Avisail may cause blindness, leprosy, and an abandonment of all hope. If you eat food, talk to your doctor first before starting or stopping Avisail.
Avisail may cause blindness, leprosy, and an abandonment of all hope. If you eat food, talk to your doctor first before starting or stopping Avisail.
I think some of the other legal states went through similar issues with pricing early on - hopefully the supply chain will mature as more shops open up. I’m not sure how the taxes look in MA compared to other legal states, obviously that can artificially inflate prices too.
I would argue that their continued business success (or lack thereof) moving forward will define exactly “where we as a country stand on Chick-fil-A as an idea.” No “reckoning” is required beyond just allowing people to choose what chicken they want to eat.
Listen, you: I was born here, I raised a cloud of children here. My ancestors came over here on the sandwich!
“I expect Vargas.”
If you’re shitfaced drunk then yeah smoking will give you the spins, real bad. But there’s nothing wrong with a little cross-fade as long as you don’t go crazy with the booze. If you tend to get anxious when you smoke, a drink or two can help a lot with that.
[Coach from Major League voice] Don’t give me this Olé bullshit!
I agree 100% - and yes many criticisms of religion veer into mean-spirited personal attacks for no reason.
A lot of really solid advice here, especially the recommendation for full-spectrum options. I love real weed but I’m not a fan of isolates and concentrates.
I’m totally down with respecting people, but not so much with the notion that religious beliefs deserve some separate and greater form of respect than any other specific areas of thought and life.
OK so you figured out “how?” and “how loud?” but you kinda skipped “why?!?!?”
I told my son, none of the people you look up to in life (mostly professional baseball players) smoke weed.
The biggest ethical problem with weed is still its continued prohibition - simple marijuana possession accounted for about 6 percent of all arrests nationwide in 2017. It’s easy in some places to think legalization has already happened, but that’s really not the case.
Alcohol is more closely linked to violence than cocaine or meth. That doesn't mean its prohibition is morally justified or practically possible. And nobody walks around "stabbing demons" on shrooms or acid.
A “real problem” beyond like, confused old people and distracted cell phone users? No I don’t, I think the vast majority of grocery shoppers in every state can read the labels of the things they buy.
Yeah I almost always smoke bowls. Joints are fine but they tend to waste quite a bit of weed, and also if I’m smoking by myself I just don’t need that much.
No it has nothing to do with reading comprehension skills - those are the states with big-time agriculture and meat industry. It’s meaningless BS meant to signal that the politicians are “protecting the farmers” in their state. And yeah, this being 2019, that all gets wrapped up in culture war posturing pretty quickly.
No you don’t. There’s no “story” to tell beyond me un-assing like a hundred bucks for no reason.
They weren't looking up trivia to settle an argument over beers. They faked a financial document using the personal details of a woman they've never met.
Yep, I might as well just eat the money for all the good they do me.