
wait. wuuuuut?

I had a bunch of friends who were visiting and others that had just moved to NY to my place on Sunday. 12 of us all together. And though some of my dishes fell short in execution and there was hardly enough room at the table, it wasn’t bad for feeding 12 with only a couple hours to shop and cook.

DUDE wanna give an NSFW label on that one? Rude boi.

Didn’t hear about the dog thief daughter until this article... her fb is stupid easy to find. most amusing is the sheer number of myspace era mirror selfies WITH flash.

lawl. wearing a flower headband is not “doing something differently” and yes, I AM making fun of that weird bump of hair that happens in the back when people do that. Do you get equally upset if someone poo-poos a mullet?

no. why.

haaaayyyy April babies FTW!


yea, if you take a look at the author she looks whiter than me and I’m Irish/Italian.

wut so ppl can “identify” as trans-gender/racial/spacial but not trans-veteran?!!!!1!!1 /s

Mos def numba WON MY HEART. Not really, but I DO wanna see what he can do with those lobstah clahs.

Bring back the BanHammmmmer! :’( still so sad it’s gone.

“ my daughter finally got in the right position and came tearing through my body. Literally. I tore in three places, requiring over 30 stitches.”

is this gif from All About Eve? also love the woman frantically clapping in the back.

SEE!! Now all these Activist Judges *WILL* force us to get gay married!

Hoping your talking more about the restaurants and not about the orgasms.

Cause instead of because too? ugh.