
This is why all cops are bad. Because there’s no way that things could have possibly gotten to this level of fucked-upness without every single person involved either signing off on this behavior or looking the other way.

She wanted to witness her whiteness at work, which meant waiting on the cops in order to drop that damsel in distress routine.

She’s proven to be an ignorant troll, already. She was caping for Little Trashfire the other day.

You were incorrectly judged at your conference.

Audrey gets an F

I must admit, they’re doing a bang-up Becky impersonation.

As a fellow white person, you’re doing the most obnoxious, stereotypical white shit right now, and knock it off. No, your experience as a white woman is not remotely comparable to that of a black person. Don’t even argue. Or, do, but understand that every reply you make in argument just makes you look like more of a

I’m just saying, this kind of thing never happens at a steakhouse.

*coughs*ButJezebelisnotagossipwebsite!*coughs* ;)

They say when you hear hooves think horses not zebras, and I feel like hmmm a successful black woman, mistakenly reported for years to be Muslim, responsible for making legal decisions that have surely pissed people off in the past, found dead during a time where racially motivated crime is on the rise.... I’m no

Absolutely. Also, you can afford to buy an apartment in a brownstone on the Upper East Side of New York City with the earnings from writing a weekly newspaper column.

Are we supposed to look up to a speculator who makes a living reselling clothes and not generating anything of value? Is wealth alone a measure of one’s validity and worth? Why is it admirable to con people out of money? Seems pretty cynical.

You think he cries every time he has to cook a well done steak?

These would be perfect if I allowed my sub to wear anything.

*Actual size.

WTF SHE BUTCHERED DONNELL’S SONG! This is trash Mariah. If she wanted to do it right she would have featured Diddy instead of YG. If you wanna bring it back to 2000's R&B when you reigned supreme, get you the rapper/producer who helped get you there.

Steve Bannon is the deadly space virus.

Hot take: my beloved Sansa Stark is too good for that Jonas person.

This is a distraction.