
Here's an alternate thought for you: What if someone doesn't consider their legally-recorded name to be their "true" or "primary" name?

Isn't Entei supposed to be FELINE? That looks like a f'n bulldog with horns.

@Marathon_Man: There are two types of AI in the Halo 'verse: "smart" and "dumb". "Dumb" AIs have an effectively infinite lifespan, but have limits placed on their matrices, keeping them from growing too complex.

@PhatsMahoney: Wherever you're getting your information from, they're misinformed.

Sticking solely to the platforms I currently own, I'd have to say Halo: Reach. The beta was highly awesome, and the gameplay shown at E3 looks like even more awesome.

WIRED?! ffffffffffff...

"...completely removing its blades."

@FutureShock @Killjoy: I had not heard this. Last I checked, this was not the case; but, checking again, sure 'nuff, there it is.

@VincentGrey: It's not really hand-to-hand combat. It's a spiffy flourish added to the old "melee-to-the-back-for-instant-kill" mechanic. If you're positioned right, and you hold the melee button just a tad longer, you get the "takedown" animation like you see in the trailer.

@spoonboy42: Do a Google search for "Jumpgate Evolution".

@stupid face: Wrong. If it had *no* fans, it would be even smaller than this.

@Killjoy: Keep in mind that the Nexus One only gets 3G if you're running it on T-Mobile. AT&T uses a different frequency for 3G.

@Deoki: A mail-in rebate is a lame-ass way for companies to make a product *seem* cheaper.

@denki: Probably never (unfortunately).

@Newestname: Major Nelson (Xbox Live Director of Marketing, Larry Hryb) himself will be liveblogging the show on his twitter feed (Twitter.com/MajorNelson). I'm guessing they're cool with it.

@Unsub: Not in the slightest.

@Husher: That's actually standard trade-in value for a brand new game at GameStop. In a week or two, it'll be down to $10 or so. Two months? $2 (for this game, anyway).