
That's definitely CG'd. The track is an actual physical object, and the cars are real when the guy is holding them, but the mist is fake and the cars on the track are either CG or composited in.

This list seems to be based on most-viewed individual videos. I'd like to see a list of most-used tags. :P

Check out Air Gear. The central protagonist is thin, but two of the other guys who wind up on his team are rather portly.

If I expand all comments and scroll down, I had better see some Rainbow Dash down there. >:)

Rechargeable batteries these days are either Nickel-Metal-Hydride (NiMH, which is what the rechargeable packs for Wiimotes and X360 controllers use — it's actually a pair of AA size NiMH cells in a housing), or Lithium-ion (which is what the flat rectangular rechargeable batteries, such as in cameras and cell phones,

Wrong article, bub.

The original tabletop game was called Battletech, not MechWarrior. And this would be closer to the short-lived MechCommander spinoff, anyway.

Mechwarrior 5 was never (IIRC) officially called "Mechwarrior 5", it was just called "MechWarrior", and it turned into MechWarrior Online.

I dunno how they compare to these, but I just picked up a set of V-Moda Crossfade LPs that sound fantastic — normally $200, I got 'em on sale half-off at RadioShack.

Wait, Sprint is in second? With their churn rate?

I've always been fond of "Fear leads to anger; anger leads to hate; hate leads to suffering."

Isopods are crustaceans, like crabs and lobsters.

Time to break out VMware again...


If it's the manufacturers and/or carriers who are installing this mess, then the solution is simple: Root the phone and flash a community-developed ROM.

A little fast-paced for my taste, but it looks interesting.

That depends on whether you're dealing with virus-zombies or voodoo-zombies. The latter can keep going with a ruined (or absent) brain; you have to make it physically impossible for them to move.

Looks to be just a derivative of the Memory Stick M2, which was only a millimeter or two larger than a MicroSD.

Looks exactly like a Memory Stick M2 to me.

I think you mean 6' (feet), not 6" (inches) — and even then, that's an average; I know from experience I can tell the difference between 720p and 1080p on a 40-inch screen from 8 or 10 feet away.