
@Kadin: Xpadder [insert 'greater-than' sign here] JoyToKey

Here's how you fix this situation, Activision: Pay 'em what you owe 'em, give 'em the rights to the franchise, and get the hell out of the way.

@piecesofwork: That pretty much sums up my feelings on it.

@rfriaz: When nobody bought the PS2 version because they were already in the MGS camp.

@Sir-Lucius does anything for Dethklok: Dude, Steam has the original Splinter Cell, SC: Chaos Theory (SC3), and SC: Double Agent (SC4) for $10 each. Go ahead and pick one of 'em up.

@Tevious: Most of the preorder deals I saw included Head Start access; that's why you can still get in. When exactly the "Head Start" expires, I can't say.

Fffff...call me when it works on AMD. :(

@tylerf: I predict there will be before long, if there's not already.

@The5thElephant: I think that, when talking to us average-joes at least, they take the speed of the craft relative to the nearest planetary body (in this case, Earth), in MPH/KPH, and then calculate the "mach" value by dividing that with the speed of sound at sea level (approx. 750 MPH).

@doubtful: Something in the backpack probably crushed it enough to damage the screen, and the liquid in the LCD cells started seeping out. Wouldn't be the first time I've seen it happen. #dsixl

My vote goes to Echofon for Firefox (formerly TwitterFox). I don't need a separate program cluttering up my computer, just a simple, easy-to-use extension to a program I already have open 95% of the time when I'm at my comp anyway.

Halo ODST and Red Faction: Guerrilla.

I still have my original Nomad. Too bad it's broken. :(

So. One step closer to a true arcology. Sweet.

@nerdtalker: It's from a newscast. You think they'd show the whole thing on broadcast TV? One, they don't have time; two, a first-person view of what it's like to plummet to your (apparent) death is pretty damn graphic.

@shenanigans61: I remember it as "Look out hell, I'm comin' through", but the meaning doesn't change.

Note, the free version of PdaNet for Android has a 30-day time limit, after which it gimps itself — not sure about the degree of gimpage, but it specifically mentions doing something to HTTP traffic.