
Fun fact, Emmerich HATES the shows. It burns him to no end that they're magnitudes more popular than his movie was.

Amazing. Some fun facts about a former largest telescope, the 200" Hale telescope at Mt. Palomar.

Nothing about waste disposal?

Exactly. I mean, she was so offended her first response was to take a picture and very likely post it to Face Book or Instagram, etc. She was fishing for others' outrage to justify her own. The sad part? She found it in the author of this article.

Grow up and put your adult pants on. Shit happens. Is it possible

We really can't find a picture with color of what someone thought the earth would look like when viewed from the moon?

I love using my pebble for exactly those reasons. The looks and buttons are a matter of preference, but it's better looking than any of the other "more capable" smart watches that have been announced recently. You should try it and see how much less you have to get your phone out of your pocket.

Go ask anyone in Austin about the I35 construction that only took 8 years longer than originally planned. Not to mention the horribly jackassed road system there. At least when they build something in California it's worth a shit.

I blame it on the movie E.T.

"Hold onto your diapies!"

This and they have them for dishwashers too. I've also heard from multiple plumbers that the container material rarely fully dissolves and has a tendency to congeal and clog drains, plus you're adding a bunch of plastic-y particulates into your wastewater. I think our oceans have enough plastic for a few decades.

You realize that every detergent (Tide, All, Gain, etc.) comes in these packets now and have for several years, right?

Would that matter? They're being stored as individual DNG frames, so as long as each frame isn't over 4GB in size it should be fine. Unless I missed something?

I don't know if that's true. If I read the article right, it looks like each individual frame is written to a DNG file. So you'll have a sequence of 25 files per second.