
But seriously, knowing full well how the TSA can be, he never considered the idea that they may flag this thing? You really do have to use some common sense these days, knowing that security is not using theirs.

She should also get a ticket for driving a Malibu and wearing stretch pants

A video to go along with this story would have been swell! I doubt I'm the only one viewing this on iPad.

A dogs life is just as precious, sometimes more so

Same problem here. For a REAL fun time, try driving in Hawaii! The streetlights there are yellow...the same color as the red and yellow traffic lights. Sometimes you're on top of a red light without even knowing there's a traffic signal there. I've learned to look for the difference in the shape of the lights, the

There are a few iOS apps out there too. It's very helpful to show others how I see things, it really clarifies a lot of questions.

It does look like something from Charm City Cakes!

Two lines? I must really be off...I'm seeing three lines with arrowheads!

It seems that a lot of people these days have forgotten about keeping to the right. It's like driving! So I just make use of the "elbows out" method to help remind them.

Technically, the Cougar's lights were called "hide-away" as opposed to pop up.

Triumph TR7!

It seems like just yesterday a young Al Gore was feverishly working away at his desk...

Again, here we go with the name calling! Back in the day Giz and other blogs were calling it the "iPhone 4G", so then everybody started calling it that. Then this year Giz is making fun of people that call it a 4G. Now you're saying "iPhone 5 Slim" and will be making fun of people when they start calling it that. How

"I'm broad, not fat", yeah, and your sensitive, not a pussy!

Wow, did you even read the story?

Except this one is missing all the nose-pickers!

Standards...as in the Dock Connector attached to all of Apples iOS devices. That so many manufacturers have embraced. Your comment doesnt really pertain to the article. And I'm guessing you never used a Palm smartphone that anybody could make an app for and that could consequently turn the phone into a paperweight. Or

I'm sure the propensity of "tech blogs" like Gizmodo calling it the iPhone 4G before it was officially released has nothing to do with that. I just love the way they all jump on the rumor bandwagon without checking facts, and then blaming it on their "dumb" readers!

Bluetooth? I see a cord attached to the phone. Either way it's kinda dorky

I've also wondered that, as a Colorblind-American, maybe I see colors that non-colorblind people see. It makes sense that not everyone will see a particular color the same way. Just like there are colorblind people and non-colorblind people, there must be plenty of people somewhere in the middle, thus seeing different