Agree on some of those things, but the Foundation series was high on concept and low on plot. Some changes were going to have to occur for it to be filmable.
Agree on some of those things, but the Foundation series was high on concept and low on plot. Some changes were going to have to occur for it to be filmable.
Here’s a crash course in everything you DON’T need to know about Foundation ahead of season 2: Literally anything from the books.
I stopped thinking of this show as a Foundation adaptation very, very early into its run. The final nail was when Salvor Hardin, a person whose catch phrase was literally “Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent.”, turned to camera and said somethin along the lines of “I am going to get the guns so I can see…
I preferred Horizon both times — especially this time.
I understand that this show has to be different from the books and appreciate the tricks they’ve come up with to keep familiar faces involved across a long timeline. That’s all fine.
Yeah, admittedly it’s been a while since I read the Foundation Trilogy, but I don’t recognize hardly anything they are talking about, beyond the names. I’d rather they didn’t do it, than do it badly. Hard pass. Hard pass on almost all Asimov adaptations, particularly I, Robot, and Bicentennial Man (which was one of…
Warning: Viewers looking for a even slightly faithful adaptation of the Foundation series will be sorely disappointed. This is a story loosely, just barely based on Foundation. Blah. No thanks. I’m just gonna watch that episode of DS9 where psychohistory is apparently invented (and ignored). Even that’s more faithful…
If you’re a fan of the books (as you and I appear to be), the show so far is an absolute travesty. I’m almost to the point of starting a review blog that just rips into how badly this show is doing at adapting the books.
“Is it in the novels?”
No, nothing in this episode is in the novel. In fact, I would characterize this episode as antithetical to the novel.
Serenity is one my favorite movie experiences this year for sheer WTFness.
Good. Now, do Donald Trump!
So I had some extra money from the previous fiscal year that I had to spend and I bought everyone in my office a mechanical keyboard. After a few days, they unanimously agreed to bestow me the title of Champion of the People.
So I had some extra money from the previous fiscal year that I had to spend and I bought everyone in my office a…
Is it me, or does this Trump presidency seem like it could be interchaneged with the Kardashians, and it would be pretty much the same thing?
When I read the headline, I was gleefully anticipating a story about an entire family aiming farts at each other or something similar. You know, like a food fight but with farts. I am disappointed.
Speaking of “Annoying Browser Notifications” I find it annoyingly hypocritical that the site that introduced me to ad blockers (and AdBlock Plus in particular) more than a decade ago - Now complains every time I come to the site BECAUSE I’M RUNNING AN AD BLOCKER.
You hate it as much as I do: that little box that appears whenever you visit a news site or blog, asking for permission to bug you with notification boxes for stuff you don’t care about.
I drive near hands free using traditional Level 1 radar cruise systems. I know there’s a high risk of injury or death, but thats my problem, not yours.
A temporary fix is to amend /?p=1 to the end of the URL. That should take you to the front page. I'm in Japan right now so it's been affecting me.