And that’s ok! I know people who liked the show, even when they are fans of the books. Technically it is good, the sets, effects, and so on. I also love Jared Harris, was one of my big expectations for the show...
And that’s ok! I know people who liked the show, even when they are fans of the books. Technically it is good, the sets, effects, and so on. I also love Jared Harris, was one of my big expectations for the show...
You can’t have a robot killing a human and surviving. That’s the 1st Law, even when Zeroth Law takes precedence and justifies the kill, there is at least 2 examples on the books (one of them on the Robot series, the other on the Foundations prequels) where that happened and the robot couldn’t survive.
Not much needed to know: they did whatever they wanted with the original material, except follow it. They just took some names and that’s just about it. Psycohistory? Who needs it when you can have magic and premonition! Robot laws? Bah, whatever!
I have been playing it on the Performance setting, on a PS5. The Quality one is very sluggish. I don’t know if there is a way to enable a FPS viewer setting, but it is just not playable IMHO. But even with the lower real-resolution, the Performance setting looks amazing!!! And although I do understand the “too much”…
This! Every freaking episode is a worse and bigger attack on Asimov’s ideas and everything Foundation lays on.
The show actually spends some time on this last episode recapitulating the places before where Gaal has shown her ability to see the future. And even if it was just the micrometeorite, what’s the point? Either she can see the future or not, and having an individual that can see the future, specific things to happen to…
This are no psychic abilities, at least not in any sense of what Asimov wrote. Mentalists did not foresee the future, not anymore than what Psicohistory and it’s math gave them predictions, which was established since page 0 to be of societies or very large groups of people and never around specific individuals. Not…
Yes, that’s good to have the actor. That’s *very bad* for the show and whatever they wanted to follow on the original ideas at all. I love Jared Harris and definitely wanted to have more of him on the show, but this is not the way. They had 2 whole novels to choose to (prelude and forward) if they wanted to have a…
This has everything to do with disloyalty to the source material. There are no magic there. There is definitely not superpowers that allow somebody to “see the future” (that is very different from psicohistory!). They needed to change some things, fill some gaps, in the source material. But they are just taking the…
You think only that? All this freaking show only shares names with the novels. With last night’s episode they have officialy say: screw, we don’t care what Foundation novels are about, what Asimov thought and believed, and we are only happy to get the rights to use the names.
I can’t help but feel that Asimov would be very mad about the way the show is developing. They have step on, kicked, smeared and discarded most of what makes Foundation what it is.
I am not sure what you mean, as others have said. In my particular case: this game was the reason I bought a PlayStation. And this sequel will probably be what makes me but a PS5.
I have two sets of joycons that both have this problem. Or had, as I just replaced this past weekend the sticks in both left controllers. They work fine, so far. I don’t remember if the right ones show any drift, but probably not, and if they do, the replacing is quite simple...
I’ve this issue with my 2 left Joy-Con also. Calibrating helps for a *very* little time. I thought it was maybe because they were being abused or something like that (small kids...) but hearing that this is a more general problem puts that idea to rest. And, anyway, this is a toy to be used by kids!
I’ve been using a WASD Keyobard for several years, since my old HP mechanical one passed away (we were 15 years or so together). I just love it.
I’ve been using a WASD Keyobard for several years, since my old HP mechanical one passed away (we were 15 years or…
That is very wishful thinking. What good are new steel industries/jobs if the other industries consuming steel have moved over because now their raw materials are 20% more expensive?
It said right in the article: because then, as the competition will be forced to have a higher price, the USA producers will be able to just match that higher price because they can.
No me queda claro cuál es el problema. Como bien indicaron: el proceso se hace en el teléfono. Y si estás tomándote las fotos así, qué más da que sean indexadas con palabras clave o no? Ya las tomaste, si las tienes en iCloud ya están ahí. Añadirles un índice por palabras clave es una comodidad y que ahora se haya…
Very cool link. Now, I want my last 45 minutes back please.
This gives a whole new meaning to “dead pixels”.