Smooth JA

Complete oversight on basketball as the N64 had the very cromulent Kobe Bryant NBA Courtside.

One, I wasn’t being serious about Switch Pro.

On the “everything points to a Switch Pro” front, this is clearly intended to line up with the long-rumored Switch Pro release.

Turns out beating up your mild-mannered father and pissing on unsuspecting people doesn’t hold up that well comedically.

Radiohead is one of my favorite bands, but I 1,000% can understand if people don’t dig them post-Kid A. There’s definitely a fear among music critics to criticize the band to avoid the appearance of not “getting it.”

My personal conspiracy theory is that the game sits at a 96 on metacritic with 40-50 fewer reviews than other major releases because its inaccessibility for the masses, a valid criticism, leaves critics unable to review the game or unwilling to offer up that inaccessibility criticism knowing they’d have to deal with

I mean, it was more a comment that while American citizens will be temporarily upset that another country’s citizens will have their freedoms threatened or taken away, our attention spans are short and we return to our normal, mostly unaffected lives only with higher gas prices and delayed release dates for Advance

You can start at $200 for Switch, and with cartridges, extra storage is mostly only needed for digital games (outside of a handful of 3rd party games). So entry level Switch vs entry level Steam Deck is vastly different. Let’s face it, the $530 model Deck is the cheapest model that won’t be a pain in the ass

Remember when everyone was upset the US pulled out of Afghanistan and the government put in place collapsed by lunch time, then like 3 days later everyone in the west forgot about it?

Seems like a giant missed opportunity. Why not go for something like the Shadow of Mordor or a Soul-ish game like Jedi Fallen Order and make some side story to the GRRM Ice and Fire Universe?

I mean, it did overshadow it. I can’t wait for Horizon 3 because it means we’re getting GTA 6 the week after.

Guerilla Games (2017): We’ve done it! We’ve created our masterpiece. We created one of the best open world games ever made!

It does inch very close to the Street Fighter: The Movie game.

So many straw men here. If you buy a used game, you are buying somebody else’s license to the game. They paid for the license. The company got paid from them. It’s a legal transaction. It’s why GameStop makes you sign away ownership in exchange for the fifty cents they give you for Madden. They’re taking ownership. If

Be honest. You’ve used the phrases “triggered” and/or “butthurt” unironically within the past week, haven’t you.

Have you tried pirating wit?

Pirating games is neither. Nobody is shutting down a freeway protesting wars or police brutality. That’s civil disobedience. You don’t like Nintendo’s business practices, then refuse to buy their games. That’s boycotting. 

I really don’t care about Nintendo seeing a dime. My issue is people pirating games and taking a moral high ground. It would be like saying “Aaron Rodgers might not play for the Packers next year. The Packers are making a mistake trading him. Since they won’t make more new Aaron Rodgers Packers jerseys, it’s okay for

You want to own a game. Nintendo/Sony/MS says okay, that’ll be $20. You take ownership of the game without giving them them the $20. You can argue that you didn’t steal the game by pirating, but you were still supposed to give them $20, so you essentially took $20 that belonged to them. Argue semantics all you want,

Just calling you out on the BS that the game is hard to find (it’s not), or that it’s $50 (also not true). You could’ve taught your kid that he didn’t have to be sad. The game is only $20 and readily available. Maybe if he kept his room clean, walked the dog, and helped out around the house he could earn that $20