Smooth JA

These felt off, like when a band you like replaces their singer. Many of the puzzles were just more tedious than puzzling. It had a chance to fix some of Link’s Awakenings’ shortcomings, but instead doubled down. A bad single player Zelda game is still a good game, but these two rank towards the bottom for me. A

If you can pace yourself, and you should pace yourself so the game doesn’t feel overwhelming, you could really start the game now and have plenty of it left when you move to the land of spotty internet. 

We already know those are bad and don’t need a review. 

They don’t really say that, but what they’re doing is giving Succession’s George W. Trump ammo to keep it alive in the court system so that ultimately it gets to SCOTUS level where the Succession version of Clarence Thomas can vote in favor of the candidate for whom his wife works on the transition team. Or, ATN just

That’s my problem with it. It’s not close enough to older entries. It’s not trying to be. It’s like downgrading Super Mario Bros for not being close enough to Donkey Kong

No wonder why people are mad. Making her a lesbian creates yet another obstacle for angry, misogynist incels trying to sleep with her - aside from Aloy being from the future, and fictional, and a non-existent digital woman made of 1s and 0s. But other than that, they were so close to scoring.

(Sigh) Mr. Burns and Smithers were on the ceiling when Homer ate 64 slices of cheese on Rosebud, the Citizen Kane parody episode, because they were trying to get Burns’ childhood teddy bear back, not the episode with the puppies. They just flat out stole the puppies.

I have a handful of Arcade 1Up cabinets and pinball units in my basement, but I’m a middle class, middle age dad who has decided to build the basement his inner ten year old could’ve only dreamed of. He probably makes more money in a year on royalties from Jaws movie posters than I make in 15 years. He should at least

Imagine complaining about product placement when the scene is set in a mall - a building where the literal reason for its existence is product placement.

4K streaming is essentially Blu Ray with HDR, and it’s good, but falls apart with explosions or heavy rain/snow. Most people are fine with it because they’ve never watched a 4K disc. Watching a 4K disc is like getting a new prescription for your glasses where you’re amazed how much better you’re seeing.

I’m sure all of the storyline purists who were upset that Sara was not white in the premiere, and that last week’s episode strayed from the story in the game to focus on Bill’s same sex relationship, are equally upset this week that they strayed from the game again and moved the story from Pittsburgh to Kansas Citu,

As a family, we like to hit up Florida and California for vacation. We also get season passes for Six Flags and our local water park. If I’m spending that much money, I’m always motivated to get to my “roller coaster weight” - the weight where I can fit on every ride. There’s an even better weight where I don’t need

Two weeks before Zelda? Uh oh, it just got Horizoned.

I didn’t know she was underage until right now. Do I go the Gary Glitter route and just go to prison? Do I go the Pete Townshend route and make up some story about writing a book on the topic? Can I argue that she wasn’t underage by the time I saw this 30+ years later?

Just did the same. I never play online games on PS5. I replayed Last of Us on the service, but really nothing else. If there’s something I care about that requires it in the future, it’s not hard to subscribe for a month or two, but I’m just not seeing value in it. 

American Movie was so good that I thought it was a mockumentary like Spinal Tap. It’s real, and if you’ve ever bumped into its stars around Milwaukee, they’re not acting.

You know the assholes who insist that everything sounds better on vinyl? That’s me and 4K discs. 4k streaming is good if you don’t know what you’re missing - sound, you’re missing out on sound (also crisp-looking rain, snow, and explosions).

Just use a guide to find the best power ups to seek out early in the game, and you’ll avoid some early frustration that might turn you off from a genre you’re lukewarm on. It is to roguelikes what Fire Emblem Awakening was to grid-based RPGs - so good it can pull you into a genre you just didn’t care for earlier 

You go the Smash route, add Metroid courses, Splatoon, Final Fantasy 7, Banjo, etc. Keep the same game play, but expand who races and where they race.

It’s a trio, so we can rule out the Seattle Seven and/or authors of the original Port Huron Statement (not the compromised second draft). Those types of folks hate the fucking Eagles, man.