I rewatched, and you're right. There was a line in the comic, "So I should kill Rick, put you in charge?" and the "kill Rick" part wasn't in the show. I missed that.
I rewatched, and you're right. There was a line in the comic, "So I should kill Rick, put you in charge?" and the "kill Rick" part wasn't in the show. I missed that.
Spencer didn't kill one of Negan's people or try to kill Negan, he asked Negan to take out Rick for him. Negan likes "gutsy" (no pun intended) characters and apparently hates it when people want him to do their dirty work.
Small nitpick: Negan's philosophy on punishing people is, "You don't pay the price, someone else does and you have to live with the guilt." That's why Rosita is alive while Olivia is dead and Eugene is now captive. It's actually quite effective, IMO.
Without spoiling too much, there's a major shift to Negan's character in terms of the situation he's in versus wielding all of the power now, and it actually does him some good, because his character becomes more of an anti-hero than an outright villain.
Negan's antics are a bit more tolerable on page IMO, but two things key things are missing from the TV show: his creative use of the word "fuck," and the fact that we haven't gotten to the post-AoW part of the story, which is when he actually gets developed to feel like a more rounded character.
At least I made captain in something.
I feel the same. His actions actually make sense from what little we've gotten to see out of his character thus far.
Was Fat Joe the one who lured Daryl out in Episode 2? I honestly can't remember. Still, his self-defense mechanism should have kicked in there. Poor writing.
If there was ever an episode that was a microcosm of this series as a whole, it’s this one. Some of it was good to very good, some of it laughably stupid.
It felt like they just needed to give Michonne something to do this half-season. None of her scenes felt worthwhile outside the lines she got in the premiere.
So you're saying I won the Internet?
In Yawantpancakes?'s defense, most of those comments are exactly that.
True, but it's gotten down to Season 3 levels, and tonight was going against Cowboys-Giants, so I'm not totally convinced it's gonna tick up all that much, if at all.
Seriously, how do so many people who write that sentence do that to themselves by not knowing the correct usage of "your" and "you're"?
Lots of people exist in this world, who have lots of different tastes in television?
Ratings were gonna decline regardless, but they all really need to have a come-to-Jesus (no pun intended) moment. The pacing of this half-season has been brutal, and given this show's tendencies to keep the major plot happenings from taking place until the finale, I bet we don't get into the upcoming conflict with the…
For me, when it's hitting the right notes, it's good to very good. But so much happened in this episode that was just plain dumb, and when I think about what a cash cow this series is even with the decline in ratings and how it could be one of the best shows on TV, it's frustrating, especially since I love the comics…
That's all believable, but there should have been a conversation explaining this. As it stands, viewers are simply confused.
There is no single argument anyone can make to convince me why Fear couldn't have been a good show. But all this network cares about is milking this brand regardless of the overall quality. It's sad.
Someone really needs to point this out to the execs. FTWD is completely unnecessary, and people are starting to complain about this show's pacing. These are problems that are easily fixable and could prolong the show's "marketability," if you will — if only they'd see reason.