
Was Negan aware Spencer had gone out on a run, though? The impression I got is Negan was cooped up in Rick's house while Spencer was giving them their supplies. If that's the case, then all Negan saw was some guy trying to cozy up to him in order to get Rick killed. They've established Negan as someone who likes

I can buy into it bothering Rick that two more people died. Olivia was a kind soul who was a part of the community Rick feels obliged to protect. Spencer, though he was a backstabbing coward, was nonetheless still technically a member of his community, plus Deanna wanted him to watch over Spencer.

Which is why it needs new writers.

"After all this time, you still don't know Negan's MO? You fuck up, someone else pays the price."

I think much of this show's problems would be solved if they would go back down to 13 episodes like in Season 2 and ditch the half-season format.

Gotta say, I had a lot of problems with this episode, but none of them are the same ones you apparently had:

The show didn't exactly make it clear why Rick suddenly changed his mind. But at least we're getting some forward momentum finally, so there's that.

Fair enough. I agree the scene could have and should have been better. I guess it just didn't bother me as much as Michonne getting the jump on that Savior woman.

But we got a scene two episodes ago showing Carl had bad aim — remember him being unable to even hit the dart board?

The show even made a point to show the audience his aim sucked by having him miss the dart board horribly a couple of episodes ago.

His whole deal is he just does whatever he wants because he's trying to keep himself entertained. Personally, him bashing two people's skulls in was more than convincing enough to last a while.

Yeah, that probably had something to do with it. But outside of him screaming as he emerged from the truck, his delivery seemed much better than usual.

Right, Carl literally spelled it out to them (and to the audience).

Carl killed two people who were advancing toward him in a threatening manner — self defense. The ones Negan hid behind were holding their hands up and weren't moving. Not contrived at all; it shows he's not a cold-blooded killer.

Riggs has struggled with line delivery ever since he hit puberty. He did well with the rest of his scenes, so I can forgive that one moment.

That's my only complaint about JDM's portrayal of Negan. Everything else is spot-on, but it's really distracting to watch.

Negan was hiding behind his men, and Carl's aim sucks with one eye, as evidenced by them taking the time to show him badly missing the bull's eye while throwing darts two episodes ago.

Remember how people have been complaining about black males being killed off every time another black male shows up? They were practically forced to write off Corey Hawkins thanks to him getting cast on "24: Legacy," but they chose to leave his fate open-ended instead of killing him. So that makes me hopeful the

She's been in 1, 4, 6 and 7 so far, and I just go ahead and assume she'll be in 8. Seems like quite a bit for a C-lister — maybe they're trying to bump her up to B-lister?

They're about to kill her off, aren't they?