
Yeah that sounds right. Also, Lucius was like, 12, in the first movie. How does he not remember his parents? Did he fall and hit his head on a rock when he left Rome?

I would say it takes care of most of the existing questions, but tries to open up a new story about Autumn’s purpose for a season 3. I think the only thing not really answered is that time Royal fell into the hole and landed on his farm with science/military whoever on it.

Yup! The new owners looked at the metrics and saw the demographics watching skewed older. So their decision was….. to replace the content they were watching with content the execs assume that age group wants to watch? Like. Listen. Granny wants her Riverdale. Why take it away. 

Almost every Marvel and Star Wars D+ show feels like a movie script that was cut into 6-8 pieces. Besides Andor and WandaVision every show feels this way. I hope now that D+ shows actually have television showrunners they learn how to properly pace and tell a story

Pretty much this. This was a great episode.. of this show. It’s still.. I don’t know. It’s still off, still not that good of a show in general. Like the fight scenes and reveal were great and then we were back to nonsense at the end. How long are we going to have Sol not tell the truth? How is cutting your hair with a

What if I told you it cost $180 million?

I mean, the craft has had to launches and neither were completely successful. Maybe try to get one clean all the way through before putting people on board

Love & Thunder’s mess is more on Taika’s shoulders. He clearly wasn’t interested in doing the film and should have said no.

As it says in the article, TikTok has 270 days to figure out out, so that’s after the election. Plus probably court cases.

I mean, regardless of pesticides it’s probably a good idea to wash produce for dirt and other things, especially ones like peppers where you eat the skin. I’ve seen my supermarket sort out the peppers by putting them on the ground temporarily. Yeah 

She could me McAvoy’s Xavier’s twin instead of Stewart’s

Oh that motto was quite literally removed a few years ago 

I hate to break it to you, but it’s “What a twist!” :D

I’ll watch because I need some TV. But I’m with you on the story confusion. This trailer had several people in it that I thought were dead?

My first memory of Conan was when I was 16, watching an episode with a Triumph bit while in the ER getting a spinal tap to make sure I didn’t have meningitis.

I just said this to my wife recently about 3 Body Problem. We liked it, but it’s never going to reach the cultural mass appeal of something like Game of Thrones because it comes and goes same quickly. Same for Fallout.

I mean this looks exactly like the robots in the movie I, Robot, so not surprised we’re going in this direction

I also thought the earthquake scene looked pretty bad. If they actually spent a lot of time on practical effects for it, then someone made a big mess of the scene with shoddy CG in post production 

For your consideration, I present Sleepy Hollow