All Things 3D

Half the country would happily ditch the biased, snooping iPhone & Android,” Wheeler said on Friday.

Disturbing how many boot licking Muskovites will do it though. It’s weird.

That’s irrelevant. Google did what was best for them and will do it again if another competitor shows up. That’s what businesses should do.

Great, so the first time I slightly offend Baby McThinskin with a critical tweet (like calling him Baby McThinskin), he can not only ban me from Twitter, but brick my phone as well?!?

Where do I sign up?

Not with all the sabotage Google did, of course not. (Yes, sabotage. Google did everything they could to prevent their services from working right on WP, something they never did to iPhone. Including working on a YT app together... and then arbitrarily deciding that it violated TOS and banning it.)

LMAO this idiot thinks people will buy a special phone just to use twitter?

No he won’t. His “phone” will be like the Amazon phone. Some Linux device with toxic Twitter pre-installed that no Amdroid or Apple user will move their data into.

Microsoft and all their unleveraged money couldn’t make the Windows phone a thing.

I hope he does, and he'll lose his ass on it if that's the route he wants to take. Anyone remember the Facebook and Amazon phones, by chance?

Magic Leap 1 has a horizontal FOV of 40 degrees, a vertical FOV of 30 degrees

They do this quite often when transporting people between locations via ambulance or med-chopper.

I would be surprised if it wasn’t this guy who came up with it: Dr. Richard Harris.

Certified diver and father of three small kids here.

I believe the intention was to use die hard Trumpers to amplify the Russian active measures signal and provide those same supporters with materials and resources to be more effective Trump advocates.

Niiiiice spot. I told you you’d get better #skillz ♥

Yeah, Satan could’ve helped Trump get elected and his supporters would shrug and say ‘Well he used to be an Angel once you know so....’

School districts can barely afford classroom supplies and now they are going to find money to buy them weapons and train them how to use it.

Where can I get one of those tacticool penis replacements? Asking for a friend.

They’re supposed to be SCHOOLS, not fucking defensive bunkers you enormous asshole.