Terry Smith

Finally people can stop arguing that his cocoon was in GotG Volume 1.

Look, I haven’t kept up with this at all, but just looking at the cover...

Kid was desperate for the szechuan sauce. He just couldn’t wait 9 more years.

“We’ve contacted Konami asking how the rights for retired players”

Crazy bald super aggressive military leader in a post-apocalyptic future? Check

And this time we’ll see Joe Chill shoot a dog as he runs away. A dog that will be listed in the credits as “Ace”.

The heartwarming Hobbit trilogy reunion:

Last scene is a familiar voice saying “and that’s how I, Bruce Wayne, became Batman,” narrating the last page of a book. The book closes, the cover is “I, Batman.” Pan out to the crowd at a large book signing event. A beat of calm, then flashes go off and hands shoot up as questions are thrown in a cacaphony. Pan back

Yeah. I knew this. But I don’t really consider them protagonists as they were just character models repurposed for the same screen multiplayer stuff. I mean you could technically change your player model with a code in some of the 3D era games and that would let you use a female character model. But I personally don’t

Another absolutely wonderful piece, Evan, thank you so much for sharing this!

This story is all kinds of adorable and emotional. And, no! I’m not crying!

Fantastic read. I wonder does she ever ask if any super heroes look like her? I remember growing up back in the day and not being able to be Batman or Superman on the playground because Batman wasn’t black. I mean that kind of stuff definitely effected me.

Or film Cable and Deadpool just sitting in a cafe discussing his entire backstory, in one three-hour long scene, the whole thing, all improvised to save budget, and release that as part of a five-hour long Extended Edition.

Brining out a pointy finger stick and a flipchart in the middle of fights and trying to explain to tha audience.

I actually think that it would be a great running joke thru the movie, with Deadpool trying to make sense of Cables background as it gets more and more convoluted.

First of all, quick semantic issue: reporters are not leakers. Reporters report on leaked information.

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