Terry Smith

For sure rezzyk. I don’t think Tom has the Midas touch by any means, but I do enjoy his Spider-Man and if Sony can keep some of the talent behind the scenes, writing/directing, I think Holland’s Peter Parker could liven up the ancillary Spidey movies. If anything, it might make someone like me actually pay for a

I keep holding out for something to change. It’s obvious instead of negotiating in a board room with high dollar figures they are doing it with public opinion. The small silver lining is that if they keep Tom, Venom 2, Silver and Black, and Morbius will all be a lot better with him in them.

Benicio del Toro fused with Brad Pitt

Women were also playable in the multiplayer of San Andreas on PS2.

My daughter is almost one year old and I have another on the way. I hope every day that they are into the same nerdy things as I am. Mostly for selfish reasons but, now I really see a great opportunity to teach them about the world through an understandable lens. Thanks Evan.

Check’s in the mail!

It’s Friday and my body is ready!

My body is ready.

Morning shift at work has me like

My Wife and all of my friends make fun of me ruthlessly for enjoying this movie so much. I will forward this to all them because get it.

that is the only reasonable response

Pokemon GO times infinity!

It’s GIF Time!

Time to be a real summer OG.

With a lot of independent and creator owned books finding the limelight, how do you balance your reading between classic shared caped universes with something like Sex Criminals or a more focused superhero book like Invincible?

My weekend in a nut shell.