Terry Smith

If anything I wonder how people will remember where they were in Season 54 of Grey’s Anatomy when it finally returns...if the pandemic dooms shows that should have gone off the air long ago, that’s a good thing.

Out of all of those, I would argue that Ayer’s Cut of SS is a worthy thing to fight for if only because WB stifled him and allowed a trailer-cutting company to finish the movie. His version may not be ANY better (and it could easily be worse), but it would be his version. I dislike the notion that a creator of any

Fast forward to next year when the Snyder Cut ends up costing much more than planned and drawing way less interest and this trend will be dead.


Related to the Snyder Cut news this week, toxic fanboys have been emboldened. There are now petitions for a 4 hour cut of Revenge of the Sith and a Ayers cut of Suicide Squad. The selling point for the first being MORE PREQUEL and the latter being MORE JOKER. Normally I would be curious about the Ayers cut, but he’s

Why are they “Rebooting” Fraggle Rock??

If there are only two parties, again I find myself a centrist. The OT is great, Rogue One and The Last Jedi are very good. The Force Awakens and Solo are fine, Revenge of the Sith is bad, and the first two are godawful.

Another great write-up on a topic near and dear to me, Cecilia! It sounds pretty clear that both these guys had some huge moments of genius that made (A)D&D what it is, so it’s a shame that it (perhaps inevitably) got so contentious.

Dave Arneson got Jack Kirby-ed.

Out of curiosity: ¿How exactly did you get to watch things like this Charles? I mean, I know being part of the blogsphere has its privileges, but, is it like they come to you and offer, or you go to them and maybe they say yes? (It’d be an interesting article to read if you could elaborate more).

Cripes, you’re setting up some high expectations here. Dunno if I can handle the wait.

Please Parks and Rec Season 7 and not Scrubs season 9

Here’s the baller play for Disney/Feige. They have the live action television rights to Spider-Man free and clear.

I’m tell you, the only one I feel bad for in all of this is Tom Holland. It’s like a reverse Harry Potter with the guy. He was living it up at Hogwarts having a good time with all his new friends, then he has to go back and live in the Dursley’s glory hole.

Thank you, Twitter, for protecting me from the “sensitive content” that is. . . a TV showing the title screen to a children’s movie. Well done.

Pretty sure the disc exists (again, no evidence), but I think it was Europe-only.

Well, to be fair, it’s generally commented on as a Bad Thing when angry internet people demand that an artist change their Original Artistic Vision, right? know people saying “Game/Movie should be like this instead” and then everyone starts shouting things about Censorship and artistic integrity and all

Sonic had a mixed CD in the 90s that was sold at Sam goody or The Wall and the first track was gangsters paradise..but you know The easter eggs are for old school fans..

An appropriate name for Corey Feldman’s security personnel is The Lost Boys.