Rezeya Montecore

Thank you for bringing that proud Twitter tradition to the AVClub.

Also… congratulations, you might be the very last person on Earth to defend Milo before he was outed as a pedophile. Nice job!

Imagine a world where the opinions of someone named "CosmicCow" were objective universal truth. *shudder*

Kenny, honey? We can see your comment history. We know you think feminism is, quote, an "evil, collectivist, authoritarian form of mind control." If Milo's Kids want to make accusations of hysterics stick to liberals, maybe they should send someone who sounds a bit less like Alex Jones?

"Every story." Every single media outlet has joined the single largest conspiracy in human history. Just to oppress Donald J. Trump. And miraculously, the inaccuracy of their stories correlates exactly to how critical they are of this man. Everything from the Central Park Five to Flynn lying about Russia: total

"Proof," huh.

I have a sneaking suspicion your source for this insight involves dental fillings and the extensive philosophical works of your neighbor's dog.

That's not saying much, since "cuck" is the stupidest epithet to come out of politics since the word "mugwump."

Whereas it's *actually* like your words aren't being taken seriously because of your words…

I loved that film.

Well, the comment section here is par, so I don't think they'll have much trouble.

Whose entertainment were you created for?

That's awful! You should ask them for your money back.

Does this sound like the sort of guy with really good reading comprehension and news evaluation skills?!

Yeah, whiner, you should TOTALLY demand your money back from the AVClub. (What's that? Didn't actually pay any? Got all this content for free? Well, then.)

Yeah, given his whole obsession with frustrated masculinity and sex, I REALLY expected it was going to be "cuck."

Listen, I hate King Cheetoh as much as anyone here, but I've also known enough kids who made a point of turning out the exact opposite of their narcissist parents, so I'd really rather cut this poor kid a break and let them grow up on their own, yanno? I suspect being an egomaniac's son is tough enough as it is.

So you're already so intimately familiar with this unreleased film, you know it doesn't acknowledge the moral questions you've raised in any way, let alone subvert them. So I assume you've seen a preview copy?

Wow, buddy, you're all over the map here.

Shift keys are to the lower left and right of your keyboard. Capital letters add clarity and definition to your writing!