Ding ding ding. I was hoping somebody else would mention Barry, it's the obvious guess for anyone who knows the comics!
This is one of the worst reviews I've ever read. And I can at least be bothered to provide a reason: you didn't provide us with any reasons. Why would this be the tiniest bit interesting for the rest of us?
It doesn't matter how bad this is. The wounded, indignant screams of Pepe's Kids at another all-female blockbuster will make this totally worthwhile.
This is pretty good for a dog.
I don't think I can spell it out any more clearly, but I'll try to get it down to the most comprehensible phrase I can:
Evidently talking to other people is not yours. Yes, please go on and on and on about what you don't like.
Whereas listening to people piss and moan in the comments is infinitely more entertaining.
Cappadocius is a perfectly average AVClub commenter with no remarkable traits.
No, but you failed to give us any solid discussion of his reasoning or why you didn't agree with it, so you're being a bit silly if you expect us to do anything but nod our heads and go, "Sure, buddy, you believe anything you like. It's not like anything we say is evidently going to change your mind, or you've shown…
> Oliver also said the Brexit was a horrible decision. How's that looking for him now?
Now, are you going to lift a finger in the aftermath to pester your congressional representatives about voting reform, reversal of gerrymandering, et cetera? Or are you satisfied that complaining at us about how awful everything is on AVClub will get those wheels of democracy turning again?
Yup, I'm wondering if the writers aren't deliberately hanging a lampshade on the fact they have to deal with S&P…
This is a random stab in the dark, just playing hunches from having only read the recap:
YES. I'm glad I'm not the only one. That sounded like it was very calculatedly done to at least make it possible those were just thrill screams. I'm not entirely sure the Good Place is hell, necessarily — like others have said, more of a little moral playground for the Bad Kids to learn some manners — but I definitely…
You… don't quite grasp how the whole "Documentary Now" thing works, do ya?
"An AVClub commenter was named Final Arbiter of Taste & Justice today, ending God's lengthy search for someone to straighten this country out. Mr. Saturn will have final say on every known subject, including who should be put to death, what clothes everyone should wear, what parody bands suck, and whether bald men who…
The experiences of fuckwits who have had unusual lives can't be instructive?!
Prophecy: Someday this guy will watch the episode of Review with the six-star rating, and his offended sensibilities will make his head pop off his neck like a bottle rocket. And then his headless trunk will somehow run over to his laptop to tell us at paragraph-length, with only faintly reduced wit, how upset he is…
Just out of curiosity, what does an "almost sour" thing taste like? Sour, I'd imagine?