Reyn Yonashiro

Man, the main picture really looks like a meth lab. With flowers.

@Mike Ortega: Thou shall not covet thy neighbor's WiFi.

@Michael Varre: It can be a cloud if you consider your home server to be a cloud. It's not like cloud computing is exclusively corporate servers. When I RDP/VNC into my home computer and run MS Word or whatever, the programs are all being processed on my home computer (which now becomes a server) and is then given

I used to buy movies, but now I download them free on the net.

Remember, guys, Conficker still can clog the internet tubes.

It's delicious eye candy, and absolutely nothing else.

For me, the reason I prefer to have the mail client on my iPod Touch download all the mail is because one of my accounts amasses all of my newsletters and subscriptions. When I'm on trips, or generally out of WiFi range, I have time to check up on my mail.

@heath: This is the problem with intellectual property. Who really owns it? The author of it? The person who purchased it? The publishing companies?

@D0rk: According to my teacher, ripping music off of my own CDs is pirating. And therefore, it's illegal, and I'm a criminal.

@cridenour: Prices rose due to Apple being Apple; proprietary, anticompetitive, and restrictive. It's not like this is the first time they've done this with their products/services. You can buy an equally well-designed, high-performance computer from any computer company (or build one yourself for cheap). But

We need a all-you-can-eat service plan for iTunes. Maybe you can download 20-30 songs a month, that sounds more than generous; there's a fee you pay regardless of how many you download, perhaps $15 a month, plus the dollar or so more for every song that goes over that limit.

@ErwinDadgits: @Reyn Yonashiro: After reading that post, I suddenly feel really stupid. Thanks for clearing that up; I had this misconception that that was the only reward available.

A girl at my school recently lost her Apple laptop in school, and she's offering a reward for it if anyone finds it. Cash reward. was my favorite image EDITING tool. Photoshop and GIMP are just too huge to use just for editing. For full on manipulations/designs, then yes, Photoshop and GIMP are the best. But it's not in my interest to start Photoshop, wait a few minutes for it to all get loaded, and then open up the image just to

I'm trying to set up a Squid proxy server on my spare craptop that I can plug in between the network outpipe and the wifi router. I am going to Upside-down-ternet, Blur-ternet, Cat-ternet, and Rick-Roll-ternet my school's wifi for the whole day.

Telling my sysadmin to reformat Windows and install Linux is like trying to tell a porn star to cut off his dick and stick a dildo in the stubb.

Well, this is the one good thing Google has done for it's Chinese browsers.

I bought a cheap sitdown Japanese-style dinner table, cut a hole in th middle-back, and sit down on a pillow. It's really, really comfortable. Also, I have a big "bed-in-breakfast' table, I wonder if that would be nice to just lie down in bed having the hot laptop off of my lap.