Reyn Yonashiro

Hey, according to this graph, we also don't care that much about genocide anymore.

So it's totally cool if a bunch of fundie Christians start burning Richard Dawkins books? I'm pretty sure there's a meaning behind the book and their burning of it. Look, I'm atheist, but that doesn't mean everyone has to be a dick about it. Tolerance means you respect other people's beliefs even if you don't

To add, I'm athiest. But that's plain disrespectful.

Oh...shooting the Bible? Not cool.

So are there noninteractive quizzes out there?

Christ, I want to stab this through my monitor.

Quite honestly I would love the audio jack being at the bottom. The current placement is really abusive to my earphone wire's connector, not to mention that the wire is constantly falling in front of the screen or in front of the camera.

I started off jailbreaking my iPod Touch 2nd Gen, and loved every second of customizing, installing tweaks, and theming it to my own taste. Then I decided to buy a Nexus One because I had heard great things about that hacking community, and how open the OS was to modifying.

Airplay speakers? Bluetooth? Speaker Dock?

If you crash your car through someone's house accidentally, do you not expect to pay reparations for that either? I certainly do think that the allowance is pretty high, but that doesn't mean they shouldn't receive money and help from the government for getting their lives blown up.

I still can't figure how those two are equatable. They're civilians. You might as well blame people for getting mugged with that logic ("They knew they were walking through a bad part of town, so if they didn't want to get mugged they shouldn't have gone through there").

Except you volunteered to put your life at risk, and these people clearly did not.

All the stock models look pretty good with the glasses, except for the Asian guy. lol

What if we actually like the look?

When Apple competitors make something similar to Apple, cry foul. When Apple competitors try something different than the usual status quo, cry out that this *won't* inspire more ingenuity? What? And seriously, you're going to insult people for having a preference difference than yours?

Of course the British would know about aliens, they've met the Doctor.

I will weep the day I have to wait for jailbreaks for my MacBook Pro.

Me and my roommate were mildly drunk and about to go to sleep. I'm already in bed, and as he's climbing into his, I say, "I was thinking, we should rearrange the room so more people can sit in here". He curses me every day for incepting him into doing it, but hey, things work a lot better now.

You just shouldn't use seatbelts in cars. They're unnatural, they mask your body from the beautiful aesthetic of the automobile, and your money saved from not buying seatbelts could be better spent on buying life insurance anyways.

As much as I like living in the mainland as a college student right now, Hawaii will always be my home. Besides the terrible traffic, I completely disagree.