
Add another year! People still be reading.

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I love the man who says, "Due to bad decisions and miscalculations, I find myself deeply in debt and have wronged a lot of people," and then asks for $50k to write a book.

Because it is.

I liked Gale. Everybody except you liked Gale by the end of Full Measure. Gale is everybody's favorite tragically murdered mega-dweeb.

The added perspective definitely makes the first chapter much better, but even coming from somebody who loved it both times, that insight still can't fix the lack of Beatrice or the wonkiness of the soundtrack during the scuffle wit the "beast."

It's incredibly disappointing that AV Club doesn't seem to be covering this beauty. Special is the perfect word to describe it.

The only identities that you learn are those of the captain, Abigail, and Abigail's brother, the first mate. Even then, you only know how the latter two died.

So many polygons…

Though the episode as a whole left me a bit cold, there were several parts of it that I adored, such as the debate between "Gif"-any and "Jif"-any, not to mention the amazing credits scene with Stan, the gold rush robot, and a song that'll find heavy rotation on my iPod.

I had no idea that the episode was going to air last night, and what a spectacular surprise it was.

CGI? Have you learned nothing from The Thing about how effective practical effects can be?

Unless I'm mistaken, the initial monstrous transformation of the shapeshifter pays direct homage to John Carpenter's The Thing, AKA my reigning favorite horror film. Not only was it wonderfully disturbing, but it's yet another in a long line of amazing pop culture easter eggs in the show, like the Summerween

"This room looks creepy…"

I had completely forgotten that season 2 was about to begin, and I couldn't be happier. Now I can just hope that this season doesn't stretch itself out nearly as long.

Wait… What? Another rexwolf(e)? Dis is crazy.

Most of the major elements seem picked over, so I'll just comment about Malvo's method of execution on Numbers. The knife across the throat seems to be a clear allusion to his mute partner Wrench, and I've got to say that I'll miss that pair. Like Todd, I'm eagerly anticipating the next steps his character takes.

Yep yep. If she can be fully rebuilt from almost nothing, an arm ain't no deal at all.

Besides the amazingly animated tower, PB's role in this episode may have been my favorite part. It's incredibly refreshing to see Peebs use her manipulative tendencies to try and help out a friend, as opposed to the questionable shades of grey she's increasingly been drawn in lately.

This week's Littlefinger scene was bookended by some fantastic segues, if I may say so myself.