
All of those broken chains falling to the earth, and poor Khaleesi didn't even have a single barrel on hand to collect them.

And here I was, thinking I was the only one leading a highly irregular life. I feel like celebrating- who wants toast?

Martin's not an amnesiac, just an ass.

I almost felt guilty for skipping home and singing "Ding Dong, the Witch is Dead." Almost.

I'm just as envious.

Fun fact: bringing it back to the review this conversation is taking place on, I still have to watch five more episodes of Game of Thrones before Sunday evening.

I haven't read Master Keaton, but I have been through 20th Century Boys, Pluto, and all of Billy Bat up to a few months ago. Pluto is one of his shortest, so it's a great one if you're worried about addiction.

Aye aye, I can't wait!

Oh dag, I forgot about that!
I'll need to watch the anime first, though. So far, I've only read it. I'm worried. I don't know whether or not I'm prepared to cry for Grimmer again.

I don't know if you get Disqus notifications, but I've been catching up on Game of Thrones and saw your Johan avatar. Mad props; Monster is truly something incredible.

Dear Aliens-
You can keep them.

With Season 2 still floating in the indeterminate ether, these periodic series of Gravity Falls shorts are a godsend. I love how this run will balance out Dipper's Guide to the Unexplained with some Mabeliness.

My phone was hungry.

"You learned a lesson and I gave a differently-abled person a job."

*throws egg*

If you sell games to a shop, make sure it's a trusted local place. A little while back, I had a decent stack of mediocre titles. I took it to BuyBacks. ~$25. A local used game place? ~$45. Not to mention, the local place didn't gouge the prices on its Ace Attorney titles to up above $60.

I don't.

Just plane fantastic.

Now that Chang's mentioned his crush for Nathan Fillion, will there be any acknowledgement once the man himself is on the show?