Yes you are. The Sky is a cleaner design IMHO.
“Adorable raccoon”
Do you ever find something govt shouldnt do?
I think you misunderstood when someone told you that your avatar should be a wanker...
I would like a 4c if it was a stick.
Something tells me you haven’t driven the new Malibu.
Most people who comment can’t afford the vehicle. I also find it rather interesting that people complain about something they don’t own.
How is Trump a fascist? How is Putin a dictator? Typical cluless American, you haven’t the slightest clue what either of them are.
And HRC assumed that the Bernie voters would show up to vote for her. The Trump voters were tired of the bashing from the left & especially the media. They couldn’t wait for election day but the HRC/Bernie voters were disillusioned. No passion=no votes.
Yeah, it was definitely Putin that made people lose faith in the media. Certainly they were doing so well before, very competent and not at all a shit show!
Hacked our faith?
Most of us have little faith in layers of bureaucracy doing anything other than adding levels of FUBAR to any task. If you have faith in government, your expectations are either low, or misguided.
“...Chaos of the presidential transition”? Right. Pure pandemonium going on right now. Hide your kids, hide yo wife. Uh huh.
As long as the clutch/flywheel combo isn’t a fickle bitch, it is arguably easier to learn on a torquey car since you don’t have to give any throttle to start rolling.
I’m 28 and I can’t fucking stand the political slant. I didn’t vote because I couldn’t stand either of them or the smugness of either side. I wish I had voted for him now after the endless tantrums from the left.
While I voted for Clinton, I do get tired at Jalopnik politicizing their stories. I mean continue with how the election is affecting cars, that’s valid, but why bring in personal attacks into it? Y’all do a great job of talking cars, please don’t ruin it by turning into Gawker Jr.
More like shittiest Democratic presidential candidate ever