Too bad you no longer own any photo that you take and sync!
i still don't understand the push for 3d everything. ESPECIALLY in a PHONE! I used to be into the whole "my phone does everything" but really all i need is: talk, text, e-mail, occasional music. Just make it do that really well and i'll be sold. All the extras i really don't need. I've probably taken 4 pictures with…
When i saw the ketchup critter it was over.....
is he talking about using toilet water??
It was a naet tirck. Now i'm sepidng my time tyrnig to type like that erveyrhwere!
Aren't you supposed to only change the middle letters and leave the first and last letter the same? I had to srot tihgns out wehn raeidng yuor sttaemnet.
i had the blue and black version. LOVED this phone.
So basically idiots are running these companies. Damn. I got a degree for nothing.
Don't you think it would of taught them a lesson if they publicly delivered it to just SONY instead of releasing EVERYONES personal info TO THE WORLD?
SOMEONE needs to donate him a really good cam for slo mo
Starts to play PERFECTLY on MT4G but then goes back to main netflix title screen :(
serious much?
1 race. 2g buy in...winner takes all.
I work by an airport and sometimes it seems i can pedal faster that the plane is doing to stay flying.
Do dogs from another country speak english?
Why do people make really ugly faces when they sing?
LOVE the new blog....HATE the other new layout. REALLY LOVE the old layout.