he didn't have the balls to kill himself but yet he had to balls to stab an innocent child? what i douche. i'd send a memo to the prison population that he will be joining.
he didn't have the balls to kill himself but yet he had to balls to stab an innocent child? what i douche. i'd send a memo to the prison population that he will be joining.
Damnit. i just saw Portal 2 and it's now back up to 61! Oh wells, bb here i come. it's 39 there.
they should of put him on the job. would of saved trillions of dollars.
sick burn
Asians in Nebraska? WEird
All your privacy are belong to us.
3D is stupid but i do like the size of the slate...now if only we can do something about those stupid proprietary charging ports.
Yawn. Where's the royal i don't give a crap button?
Herpes in space.
me too....me too
the only thing that video did was make my dog go wild....
i love apple but hate the iPhone. Cant we just get an unlocked one already with all the 3G bands?
I love it. This just gives the damn customers something else to come in at bitch at me for. You know how many times i've heard "i knew day was a catch somewurs"......If only..
RIP Flip. I had a Flip UltraHD...loved it. I could use regular batteries when the recharges' went out.
find something online...go to best buy to play and abuse the product.....then order from Amazon prime from cell phone with $4 next day shipping for the win.
I called Best Buy the day i got a second one. They said they were out and taking preorders...should be about 2 weeks before some come in. 10 mins later, i walk in (it's by my work).....i see the display with the inventory cage right under it. I see a couple 32gb 3G....i grabbed a sales associate and he rang one right…
Works great on my MyTouch 4G and Nexus S. Too bad they aren't streaming them all free though. Damn volvo (sponsors)......
What about android?? all i see is one free game of the day...damn. Now i have to purchase it AGAIn for my iPad.....ugh. if i didn't like baseball so much.