
Burke hoping to get a date with Jolie after his courtship of Meagan Fox ended... poorly.

Long story short, this is the first year that the vast majority of our draft picks are not only playing, but showing real potential. I can probably can’t the amount of previous Browns draft picks with successful NFL careers, since our reinstatement, on one hand.

Carson Wentz averaged 5.6 yards per pass attempt last night, throwing for 190 yards. That’s not “damn good”, that’s “very much below average”. You don’t deserve praise for a win as a first round, 2nd overall pick when you put up garbage numbers like that.

Don’t worry, Bears fans will look at this very objectively.

SHE offended HIM? Please go back and re-listen to that interview; it’s his line “if you’re going to accept me with open arms, you have to accept me with open legs” that began that tiff. Terry was pretty restrained with him when she didn’t need to be.

Please stop interfering in our attempts to be offended on someone else’s behalf. If you keep this up, we’ll have to post something in the comments about how we were just “putting this out there” and you “shouldn’t read anything into” this.

I had a boyfriend in high school too. We even went to the prom together. He sent a lovely card when my wife and I got married, and I just sent a gift to welcome the new baby he and his husband are expecting this winter.

I think it’s a fair question to ask. Not all of us lesbians are gold star lesbians. I can only speak from me and my circle’s experiences but for a lot of us, that relationship with a male (no matter how far it progresses) is part of the process of knowing and understanding what feels right or realising who you are.

I mean it’s Terry Gross. She’s basically a radio Freudian so she’s going to ask you all about your formative years and your sex life.

Some people know their sexual orientation immediately and without experimentation, but a LOT do indeed find some hands-on experience to be extremely helpful in figuring things out. So long as the question isn’t asked in the context of “can’t you try heterosexuality again, just in case THIS time you like it”, it’s

I think he’s referring to Drew’s polo.

Alas, no:

Entertaining, but not particularly accurate. An egg is an egg (or an ovum, if you prefer). Chickens, not being mammals, do not have periods.

Such facts do not improve the taste.

lordy did an omelette kill your parents or something


But I’m assuming you’re ok with using egg in batter for all forms of fried chicken.

Chicken fried chicken with eggs and white gravy and biscuits is a legitimately great breakfast that is not talked about enough as such.

TheConcourse and Deadspin Together: Disgusting