It’s because Hachi is a racist. Iggy Azalea is white, so Hachi hates them. I’m not being facetious, either. Read any comment by Hachi over at The Root. Pure hate-filled nonsense.
Why are you such an asshole to everyone? And who is starring you?
You’ve done much, much more research than the author did in creating this article and calling Musk a ‘sick son of a bitch’. I don’t understand what Gawker/Gizmodo’s thing is with shitting on Elon Musk.
No one’s saying he owed her money or the job, but he could’ve handled it a lot more tactfully.
Wrong. Elon Musk is currently worth more money than Steve Jobs ever was.
All of her social media is currently private or unavailable (except her Google+, but who cares about that).
Passed balls aren’t exciting
Yeah, you need to go back to square one and re-think your whole position here. Willfully transmitting a disease like this is much more analogous to poisoning someone than anything else you’re bringing up. It’s a crime, and it should be a crime. It’s inflicting pain, damage, suffering, and potential death on another…
He doesn’t break analytics. He’s exactly the kind of player that analytics does well to put a value on. People could argue vehemently in one direction (he sucks because of his low BA and Ks) or another (he’s a fine player because of his OBP and HRs). Analytics and advanced stats put a finer point on how valuable he…
Homer pick, but Patrick Ewing should have a Championship.
I’m anxious to see how all the Bernie bros and Libertarian dudes feel about this. They never shut up about legalization. I’m just curious to see how they feel about it now that it’s been proposed by a black guy 🤷🏻♀️
How about not instigating some infighting for a change? Jesus Christ. I’m a ‘Bernie purist’, but fully applaud Booker here.
Yep. I don’t like him much (for those reasons), but this is fantastic.
No, because California and NY will have an outsized say in this, and then we’d all be required front plates.
Trevor Noah is totally serviceable on the Daily Show
What’s even better is that it’s ripping the Republicans apart. Lindsay Graham just promised ‘holy Hell’ if Trump fires Sessions.
Way, way too often, the page loads the shitty next article before it even loads the comments. I scroll down to read the comments, and because they’re now couched in a tiny little area that I have to expand, the next article loads up and slows down kinja.
Better not cross-post this over at The Root. The racist asshole commenters over there don’t seem to care about this case at all because Damond was white, except to use it as an opportunity to grandstand about how, supposedly, this story is getting way more coverage than any other case involving black people and police…
Don’t know if you already go there, but check out /r/VGMVinyl at reddit.