
I've wondered for a while if Theon might become king of the Iron Islands just because 'The Cockless King' sounds totally like a GRRM monarch.

I thought about that, and imagined a really creepy, gothic end for her would be thanking her rescuer ecstatically before running to leap from the battlements or onto a spear or something.

'The Sweetest of All Meats' is the title of the name of the final episode. "Game of Thrones was in danger of growing stale, so we took it to strange new places."

MARGE(RY'S DUSTY BONES): (sighs) "Again".

They could have had him a there-to-be-killed-off character, like the Sand Snakes sort of ended up being.

I'd like to see Theon end up in an advisory role at the end (if they do a Wire-style, 'here's the new so-and-so' ending, he could be the new Varys).

Yeah, I think Theon's one of the untouchable-until-the-last-three-episode characters, along with: Dany, Jon, Sansa, Arya, Bran, and Tyrion. I suspect Cersei and Jaime will make it till the end too. I hope so, just because Westeros at war vs the White Walkers is more interesting than Jon and Dany vs the White Walkers.

That was a perfectly written and acted line.

The only character I feel they're dropping the ball (and just a little) with is Sansa. When Jon told Tyrion that she was 'letting on how smart she is' it felt a bit counter to what we've actually seen recently - she kept mum about Littlefinger's potential reinforcements, and she twice publicaly told her brother - the

Ellaria's daughter was a teenager following her ruthless mother's lead - it might be poetic justice, but it's not deserved.

Yeah, but the daughter's a teenager who was influenced by her ruthless mum. All three are guilty of horrible crimes, but they're still human beings suffering the worst emotional pain a person can experience - in Ellaria's case, in the most hellish (in a strict sense of the word) way.

"So here’s a question to finish things off: do we feel sympathy for Ellaria when Cersei murders her daughter, given that she murdered Myrcella for no good reason?"

He was a bit more interesting the book, but he wasn't a silent mysterious guy - he was a loud, showboating asshole in that too.

I love that kind of foreshadowing - I remember going through the same thoughts when Ellaria had her conspicuous lipstick. 'Duh, the make-up guys really dropped the ball here, duh."

Well she doesn't now, but she used to give at least three until Cersei blew them up. Olenna's story is extremely sad - when you lose literally everything to your enemy, dying pretty sure that she's going to end up similarly miserable isn't the nicest way to go.

I wouldn't call it a deus ex machina - the conclusion to the Faith/Tyrell plots relies on the Mad King's wildfire stock, which was mentioned way back at the start. It's a logical move from Cersei's perspective, and it's foreshadowed throughout seasons 5 and 6 - both in terms of Cersei's stated objective to kill all

I disagree - she's not so much dumb in the novels as she is way out of her depth: that is, she's not stupid, but she's arrogant, in some ways spoiled and other ways abused, and mean, and to begin with, free to scheme in the background while her father runs the show.

You can just hear him saying it with his exaggerated, South Park-style New York accent - 'Why can't they use their beeh-jes to help?'

Don't forget circumstance. Trump's handling of 9/11 and afterwards would have been far worse than Bush's, I feel, even if Bush's was awful in every way.

That's a bad strategy when it comes to Trump. Short of them running a talking dog, the Democrats will never find a candidate as interesting as Trump. I don't mean interesting in a positive way - I mean in the sense that 'The Room' is a more interesting film than 'Moonlight'. He's not entertaining because he's smart,