
"No that can't be right. I'll simply have to attack them more viciously. That woman says I sexually assaulted her? Hmm, she must be unsatisfied that it was just a grope. Outrage at my Boy Scout speech? I mean, I only have so many orgy stories to tell them, the 80s only happened once."

Agree totally, but I'd switch 'great indications' for 'crystal clear confirmation'.

I mean stuff like Cillian Murphy's character, the boy's death from concussion, Tom Hardy's gliding takedown of the bombers (which definitely wouldn't be as good if you knew it was coming first time round), and how the situation with the Scottish unit and the French soldier in the Dutch boat plays out.

I think Americans who suggest Obama was a closet Republican are nuts - the guy was a left of centre idealist who was naive enough to believe the other side would respond positively if treated with respect. They spat in his face, and the idiot base they rallied up ensured his powers were severely mitigated. Despite

'Vulgar' - excellent start, aptly captures Trump's crassness, sleaziness, and total contempt for morals.

In Twin Peaks, the Oompa Loompas would be a snappily dressed midgets with frightening white masks on.

It's always the proper time to criticise Trump - considering the guy in the article fought against the Nazis, it would even be appropriate here.

I don't feel that way about films and books, but in the last few years I have begun to feel a bit queasy with videogames that deliberately try to portray a specific war: stuff like Medal of Honor, the older Call of Duties, Battlefield, etc.

Sorry, I meant the modern audience.

Oooh, maybe the 'Game of Thrones: The Complete Series' boxset will come with framing device extras for each episode, with Sam, sitting by a fire in a now pleasantry wintry Castle Black, composing the story, a la Bilbo Baggins at the beginning of 'The Fellowship of the Ring'.

I went into the film knowing that the British had to retreat from France in the face of a German advance. I knew that the British Navy used civilian boats to help do so. I knew that the retreat was 'successful'. There is still plenty in the film to be spoiled on.

Have they done that? I can remember two times when I've started looking away, expecting to see mangled scarring - this episode, and the one with Theon's bath - but I think, in both cases, they left it to the viewer's imagination.

Maybe Arya's story is running a little late chronologically - for Jon Snow it might've been a month ago, for Arya it might have happened a week before.

I think Alfie Allen's been consistently one of the best actors in the show, and there are few (any?) weak links in its cast.

I agree. A person's mind can be broken like their body can, but no-one would be ragging on Theon if he couldn't pick up his sword because he had a broken arm.

It shouldn't have, it's just a fact: giant wolves and horses don't look right on film, so studios tape cats together. Similarly, if they want to use cows in a scene, they have to paint spots on a horse it to make it actually look like a cow.

You guys are nuts, or way too critical. The scene was totally coherent in terms of the immediate geography of the battle (where the boats were, who was where) and what happened. The only bit I was a little confused about was whether that was Yara's body at the end.

I find the reaction to Chrysta Bell's acting totally bizarre - there are tonnes of actors delivering off, unnatural performances in the show, and there have been since 1990. Lucy, Andy, Leo, Gordon, James, the Log Lady are all constantly - and intentionally - unrealistic, and ALL of the characters have their moments.

Yeah - the Black Lodge stuff is meant to look surreal, which, in my opinion, feels like a more 'accurate' depiction of the supernatural. The Return has had several instances of very good, deliberately realistic effects - the nuclear explosion, and the fly through it, looked superb.

I doubt it, and hope not - there's a reason that, for most of the series's run, the Doctor and his primary companion have been a man and a woman. Kids need someone to hook on to, and while of course kids can and ideally will relate to and look up to a member of the opposite sex, they instinctively glob on to the main