
"Ayiiii…. ehm…. the cowardlee… spyneless… sheeit head… and ayiii… sound… loykk… this: It was not only morally ambiguous, it was equivocating. And that was wrong. That’s why I think it was very, very important that he has since then cleared that up. I think it was important that he did that tonight.”

What the hell are you basing such a horrible allegation about a stranger on? It doesn't matter that you're commenting anonymously, or that this is just a comment section, or that your insinuations are never going to affect Whedon directly - how is such a massive slight on someone without a shred of evidence justified?

It's not a social issue though; it's an intellectually dishonest and gossipy attack on a stranger - a stranger who's only in the public eye because of the classic show he wrote which was fundamentally and wholly positively feminist - by someone in an attempt to demonstrate how enlightened they are by comparison. This

I hate to say it, but this is 'This is why Trump won the election' stuff.

Yeah, it does seem that, in the new canon, every second droid in the galaxy is a homicidal war machine with a snarky attitude whose desire to kill and maim is held in check by its programming.

But even that plot would kind of mess up the character. It's been said a lot, but part of Boba Fett's appeal is that he is (was) all suggestion. It's a masterpiece of efficient characterisation: he's got cool armour, he'll speak to Vader pretty bluntly, Vader gives him the time of day, he's disintegrated people in the

For the shit Watto gets as looking like an anti-semitic stereotype, it's pretty obvious that Lucas - best friends with Spielberg, hirer of Carrie Fisher, Harrison Ford, Frank Oz, Natalie Portman, and Lawrence Kasdan - isn't anti-semite.

MacGregor was in his early thirties when he made Episode III, but I think the character's meant to be in his late thirties/early forties (25 in TPM, 35 in AOTC, 38 in ROTS is the offical measure I think). I've never found it too much of a stretch that living in the desert, depressed and bored shitless for 19 years

Hear fuckin' hear! 'The taxation of trade routes' makes for a boring line of an opening crawl, but 2 minutes later it's revealed to be a smokescreen for a Sith plot to take over the galaxy, and mentioned exactly once more.

"I love you Andy Serkis!"

These two comments are among the laziest Simpsons jokes I've ever seen… But damn did they make me laugh.

She would if she thought - not unreasonably, amidst a web of otherwise insane thoughts - that said wife was using her pliable, gentle son in ways against his own interest.

Miley Cyrus is entirely within her rights to invite another person to grab her wherever - there is nothing morally wrong with that: it's her body. Someone grabbing a woman's genitals without her permission is evil.

And just like the opening crawl's relationship to the film, in actuality one side is comprised of decent people, and the other a bunch of cartoonishly evil scumbags. I believe a wholly sincere argument could be made that Palpatine would be a far, far better president than Trump, however: good work ethic, intelligent,

Executing conscripted soldiers would be extraordinarily evil, and would ensure intense animosity for hundreds of years. Lincoln's approach was morally and strategically the best one - it's not his fault that some politicians afterwards courted the bitter, racist elements in the south.

It's not a magical panacea, but an educated poor population is going to do a lot better, be a lot happier, and create a far more civilised society than an uneducated poor one.

If he got elected after 'Grab 'em by the pussy', 'I like people who didn't get captured', 'If she weren't my daughter, perhaps I'd be dating her', etc. etc., I honestly don't think there's anything he could say that would guarantee he won't win a second term.

What are you referring to? From what I've seen, Trump's always been careful not to insult his base, at times lying in order to do so - like when he claimed not to know of David Duke, and then, when, cornered on it, said, 'I disavow, OK?' His 'I could shoot someone…' spiel was him getting overexcited while speaking off

In a classic bit of Trumpian, 'perception is projection', what they mean when they say 'cuck' - pathetic, weak, unmanly failures - is what they are too.

No it's not - it's vastly more popular than it was during its second season. By way of proof I present this personal anecdote - the most robust form of evidence there is: during the second season I knew 2 people who'd ever watched Rick and Morty. By the 3rd season premiere, that had ballooned to at least 8. It's the