
I know! In the last 10 years I've gone from happily watching classic films on my tiny, analogue, 4:3 tv in my teenage bedroom, and feeling absolutely satisfied by the experience, to feeling antsy and uncomfortable if I have to watch Game of Thrones or Twin Peaks in anything less than full HD on my big widescreen

I think it was the one-two punch of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone and The Fellowship of the Ring (2 1/2 hours and 3 hours respectively) that made it fine for big films to run on quite long: they showed it could be done. The Curse of the Black Pearl made it OK for your standard, non-beloved book blockbuster

A lot of the hate directed Clinton's way was the product of misogyny, but had the Democrats run a woman as charismatic and squeaky clean as 2008 Obama, she'd have probably won. Clinton made a lot of mistakes, and had a lot of personal baggage (and of course, still managed to win 3 million more votes than Trump): it'd

That became a problem in ESB, and the prequels just had to roll with it. Before Anakin and Vader became one character, the Empire, while still new, could have been around for 30 or 40 years, instead of just 20.

It's not even a minor problem with the movie - it's not in the movie! All CGI clonetroopers is a problem! Anakin leering ghoulishly at Padme is a problem!

I liked TFA while having a lot of problems with it, ones generally related to what you mentioned. When it was released a frequent defence of the similar plot beats and weird status quo reset was that one of themes was 'History repeats itself'.

A New Hope has been the subtitle since 1981 - I saw the movies as a kid in the mid 90s, before the special editions came out, and I remember the cassette saying 'Star Wars', but the opening crawl being altered. I don't see why it's a sore point for people - 'Star Wars' is a better title than 'A New Hope', but it's

Me too. I was being glib at first, but there's a good chance that's exactly why they actually set a scene in a bathtub.

Steven Moffatt is hated as much as George Lucas is in others.

Well it's a fresh take, I'll give you that - "This Star Wars movie wasn't erotic enough for my tastes."

I think that's why older people disliked the prequels to a larger degree because they were such a let down to what most of us thought up in our own backyards and driveways with our friends.

I don't agree with the idea that the prequels were lazy or cynical or slapped together at all - they're deeply, deeply flawed, but Lucas was pretty clearly motivated and driven to make them.

I think the main problem with Anakin in the prequels is that George Lucas just assumed the audience would like him because he's the protagonist in Attack of the Clones, and so worried too much about seeding the Vadery aspects of his personality. Anakin comes across well in the first half hour of Revenge of the Sith -

I like TFA while I'm watching it, but as a story it doesn't sit that well - it's executed fantastically, but if it were a novel, it would be a fairly average story. Almost all of its flaws are based on it trying to create and work out a Star Wars formula.

In a galaxy of trillions, a couple of thousand Jedi are going to be seen by an extremely small percent of the population.

Is he that good? I liked him when I was a kid, but in retrospect he seems like young, pre-character development in ANH Han Solo.

I was extremely impressed with Rogue One's ending, and they haven't been afraid to take the story in dark directions - Leia and Han's only child is a school shooter who murders Han! - but something instinctively tells me Rey and Finn won't be put through the same physical and emotional wringer Luke, Leia, and Han are

It's like when people get angry about the drug dealer in Attack of the Clones being called Elan Sleazabaggano. That film has plenty of problems - the jokey name of a character who's name is never spoken and who is there for a moment of gentle comedy is absolutely not one of them.

I was born in 1989. My mum's side of the family ran a video rental store, so when I was 5 my uncle dug out ESB and ROTJ, and a month later ordered in SW.

Lapti Nek works better in every way than Jedi Rocks, but anyone who thinks Yub Nub was better than the new Victory Celebration song and sequence is the most extreme kind of wrong.