I agree, and I really appreciated that she wasn't the obvious sort of Poochie-unlikeable the trailers made her out to be.
I agree, and I really appreciated that she wasn't the obvious sort of Poochie-unlikeable the trailers made her out to be.
I really don't agree with the accepted wisdom that TFA has better characters than RO, particularly when it comes to Jyn and Rey. I can understand the argument that Rey, Finn, and Poe are more charming and likeable than Jyn, Cassian, and Galen, but the characters' motivations are generally clearer in RO.
The dialogue throughout the film is actually pretty good, but there's definitely a dearth of quotable lines. Aliens is probably tied with A New Hope in terms of literally every single line being a meme of its own.
I do really, really like Aliens, and while I can totally respect someone thinking it's better than Alien… I still they're objectively nuts.
Upvoted for being both a good line and relatively not obvious.
I love Alien 3. I think part of this is the context in which I saw it: I was born in the late 80s, and my mum let me see Alien and Aliens when I was 8 or 9 (the first 18 certificate films I was ever allowed to see). She had hated Alien 3, explained why - she couldn't forgive them for killing Newt and Hicks - and…
It's a neat bit of dark world-building. It makes total sense that in a world of magic and technology ruled by a shape-shifting demon that extremely nasty cults would appear worshipping said demon.
I think they're best leaving the cult behind now - resolving the mysteries would simply involve confirming stuff which is more interesting if it's left to be inferred.
Mike Pence gives off an extremely unsettling vibe. He's got traditionally handsome features, but somehow seems like Steve Carrell in Foxcatcher.
It's because he thought: "I'm 70 years old. I'm rich, I can vacation anywhere I want, I can golf every day. If I run for President I'll have more articles about me in the press than I can ever read, everyone'll talk about ME all the time, and all I'll need to do is spend fifteen minutes a day issuing orders and having…
That title a wee bit too aesthetically pleasing, and very successfully makes use of parenthetical clauses. I feel Trump would just take the title into several new directions.
I can picture the beautifully produced 'Episode IX: The Closing of a Chapter' bluray documentary now: the ending music from The Empire Strikes back plays over slow motion black and white clips of JJ Abrams and Kathleen Kennedy laughing on set with BB8, Daisy Ridley, and Mark Hamill.
I don't think it's fair to blame Trevorrow for Jurassic World being what it was: an entertaining piece of fluff that was nowhere near as good as the original. I'd argue Trevorrow did the best he could - I adore Jurassic Park - it's the first film I saw at the cinema, I could write the script from memory, etc - but…
(Impressed whistle) Truly a king among men.
I know. It's up there with 'Why doesn't the Hulk's pants burst haha' and 'Captain Pugwash's first mate was Seaman Staines haha' in hackneyed, shitty pop culture jokes.
As an English teacher, WHY are they lying about having read The Da Vinci Code in 2017? It's an entertaining piece of thriller fluff. You should save the lies, like me, for Ulysses or Romeo and Juliet.
Hannity doesn't strike me as the kind of person who would do that sort of thing. He seems just a naturally loyal and polite family man who would be at his absolute happiest if he could vote and propagandise for a Nazi.
This comment made me spontaneously say 'Ewww' for the first time in about 12 years.
Which is a legitimate criticism of a comic, but is apparently not enough for a lot of people. I loathe how trendy it's becoming to find reasons to attack artists on moral grounds - for instance, the heaps of thinkpieces that have been written casting aspersions on the characters of the likes of J.K. Rowling, George…
I've always loved the military radio-operator cadence Gold leader puts in his voice - when I was a kid I assumed that was to make sure his voice was as clear as possible over the crackly broadcast.