Yeah, but this is something which people shouldn't be offended by: there's nothing offensive about it. Nazi analogues have been a part of fiction since the Nazis appeared. There's nothing morally questionable with Marvel doing this.
Yeah, but this is something which people shouldn't be offended by: there's nothing offensive about it. Nazi analogues have been a part of fiction since the Nazis appeared. There's nothing morally questionable with Marvel doing this.
This seems to me like one of those increasing instances of people wanting to be *offended* about something frivolous and fun which they enjoy thinking about (like Marvel, the Oscars, Star Wars, talk shows). It's like the problems people had with the Independence Day app which allowed you to see what your street would…
I wondered if it was a Star Wars style (like how George Lucas put an 'Episode V' subtitle on The Empire Strikes Back) way of indicating that the story has continued in the interim.
To be fair, English actors probably play other peoples more than anyone else. When I was a kid my parents would joke about how Hollywood films often cast American actors in non-American roles - nowadays there's a shit tonne of Brits playing American.
Upvoted for reminding me of the amazing word 'chode'.
I find James Corden's continued success utterly baffling. Ditto Jimmy Fallon. Both anodyne and safe, both visibly desperate to be liked, both instinctively cloying and cutesy.
One of the striking things about Bill O'Reilly and his ilk's careers is how lazily thrown together and poorly researched their material is. I'm not saying there's not some skill involved (well, I don't think there is, I think what their fans would call skill/charm/gravitas is just ignorant dipshit like calling to…
Hotel Death Star, with black protocol droids mulling about, that ambient clicking and sighing, those pill lights everywhere, and everyone in Imperial uniforms, would get my money.
To be fair, it ain't Lucas who's making toys of every character. Kenner/Hasbro wouldn't make Wilrow Hood action figures if there weren't adults willing to spend their disposable income on Wilrow Hood action figures.
Nope! - the film cuts straight to the meeting with the Gungans when it's underway.
Star Wars is very bad for saying character names on screen. We don't get Luke's second name till halfway through the film, Boba Fett isn't named until the second Han kills him, Qui Gon doesn't tell us his name until he meets Anakin's mum, etc. I saw Rogue One yesterday - we do get to hear 'Baze' and 'Chirrut' said a…
I don't know the video in question, but 'methinks the lady doth protest too much' is a totally unfair attack to level against someone, particularly nowadays when people are ready to seize anything that lets them label someone, and especially-particularly when you're talking about something on the internet, a hive mind…
The thing with First Officer Murdoch - in reality a man who died in the water helping people on to lifeboats; in the movie someone who shoots two people before killing himself. A cool dramatic beat for a fictional officer, but not something you give to a portrayal of someone who actually existed.
Stunning visuals wrapped around a *GREAT* story and a *SMALL NUMBER* of *GLARING AND EXTREMELY TASTELESS IN ONE INSTANCE* historical inaccuracies and *NO* physical inaccuracies *ANYONE NOTICES OR CARES ABOUT*.
Loathe though I am to be fair to Steve Bannon, but the first two photographs have been doctored to make his eyes blood-shot, his skin blotchier, and his face puffier.
President Trump: Who? I haven't met Tiffany. I guess I thought she was with another family.
I don't know if she hated it - she had a cynical, mocking attitude towards it, much like she had a cynical, mocking attitude towards lots of things. She rolled her eyes at it, she didn't view it as the horrible affront to her and the character it often gets made out to be nowadays. I think a fan asked her how he'd…
I resolve it thusly: Raiders is the better film, but Last Crusade is my favourite.
"Who is it?"
"Tax supported police."
"'Hired goons'?"
I loved that the monster made mechanical noises while being a magical cloud of smoke. It made it more frightening because it didn't add up - like the roaring bubble in The Prisoner - and it suggested that the whirling atoms inside it were having to do stuff. If you had tiny enough microphone that you could drop it in…