
Australia and New Zealand are good places to be at the moment - they're nice and geographically removed. As a Scottish person, I find Trump's election awful not only because of the pain he'll inflict in the states - and the massive validation his election has given to backwards cretins across the globe - but because

TRUMP: What's your job?

As has been demonstrated memorably numerous times this past year, conventional wisdom often means 'a shaky suspicion which at once confirms my preconceptions and allows me to rag on someone'.

Which was still a shit tonne of Lucas: the story, the second draft - essentially a redo from the ground up - of the script, writing the final draft with Kasdan, directing the special effects sequences in California while Kershener shot abroad, going over the dailies with Kershener, etc.

Not to mention that said human's 'weird, imperfect' nature will be responsible for his output being so imaginative, odd, and beloved - J.J. Abrams has too much sense to come up with a character like Jar Jar or the Ewoks, but never in a million years would he have come up anything as good as Vader, Leia, Yoda, Cloud

Michael Giacchino's alternative pun-name for one of the tracks from the score is 'Jeddha Call Saw'.

Nope! - it's a different ship. The Rogue One crew's ship is destroyed on Scarif, but they manage to beam the plans up to the main rebel craft, in which Leia's spaceship is docked.

Marvel and HBO have Michael Douglas, Robert Downey Jr., and Anthony Hopkins alive in front of them though - it's harder to recreate a person from scratch than de-age a living actor.

I disagree (and not just because I think being contrarian is being edgy). The characters in Rogue One are a lot more serious, sad, and determined - to me they felt a bit more real and relatable than Rey (abandoned orphan who's lived rough for more than a decade but is incredibly well adjusted, wry, and confident) and

They don't have to die, but it is more elegant, dramatic, and affecting if they do.

It's a prequel, but it's a prequel to the original, so it's just a prequel.

One thing I like about the 80s aesthetic is that a lot of stuff, particularly advertising - whether in magazines or on posters and television - went for pitch black backgrounds, with everything being built on that. As a consequence, a lot of stuff had a slightly cosmic and/or more serious vibe.

"How do you essentially rebuild the Empire and build a Death Planet without anyone noticing or caring?"

I think people are so used to the Star Wars films they forget the Empire's displays of evil - they slaughter the jawas, murder Owen and Beru, and blow up Alderaan. In Empire they take over a sovereign state and engage in torture. In Jedi, they rebuild their planet killing weapon and their leader is revealed to be a

The Death Star was a weapon built to destroy planets, and shortly after being completed began dong so. It's unfortunate that so many innocent people die on the Death Star - people bullied, brainwashed, or naive enough to sign up - but it would have killed billions more.

I'm starting to think this Donald Trump is quite the fool… the soon to be the most powerful-man-in-creation-fool, as it were.

The Force Awakens and Prequel backlash is greatly overhyped: the people that care about Star Wars enough to be upset when they don't like an entry will still buy tickets to the next one in the hope that they like it better; and the internet is a poor place to gauge public opinion, particularly when it comes to nerd

I'm aware this is a tongue-in-cheek comment, but I imagine there's going to be a lot of dumbass articles about how Rogue One's relatively low performance compared to Force Awakens shows a) a victory for Trump's cretinous followers and b) mishandling of Star Wars by Disney.

Here's hoping that Obama gets to turn the tables on Trump in four years' time, revealing his grand master plan:

"Every candidate before me had some respect for the constitution and its boundaries. What my administration intends to explore is… what if we don't?"