
"When a man is tired of Krull, he is tired of life."

Once you get into 'Do you not see the contradictions?' territory you're giving these guys way too much credit.

This isn't nearly as bad a problem as it's made out to be -

Which is fine! I don't think there's any problem with writers going back to similar ideas, particularly when it's something broad and thematic.

Teaser trailer -

There was probably a lot more involved, but I always imagined a lot of the mythology of the Bible being hammered out by a couple of guys in their homes. Like a modern-day writers' room.

There's been a few stories in the news, after the Goldman Sachs hiring, about Trump voters saying they'd been tricked into voting for him.

Things like this inevitably build false equivalence. It's very, very important that woolly, open-minded liberals don't start convincing themselves that the people who voted for Trump are simply people with a different point of view politically - they're not: they're all either hate-filled cretins or negligently

Now it's gonna get…

I don't think it's blatant at all: I'm a big fan of Giacchino (his Lost stuff is incredible) but I despise the main theme from the new Star Trek films - I don't know enough about music to articulate why, but it just feels so smug somehow. However, I loved his Dr Strange score.

I imagine Yub Nub was written and the original finale scene cut together in a fit of 'I want this fucking film finished yesterday' sentiment on the part of Lucas.

" A toddler with a loaded gun is scary and unpredictable, yes, but doesn't work for pseudo-Jungian Space Opera."

If it happens, it'll be Pence, but that's a long shot. No way, no way in a billion years, do Paul Ryan, Reince Preibus, or Bannon have the backbone to say boo to Trump.

A person can say, of another person:

"Into the garbage chute, flyboy!"

"Oh yeah? Watch this!"

It's funniest if said in exactly the tone of voice from the film.

That'll be around Episode XI, when they're running out stuff to re-use from Star Wars and Empire.

(blinks) Star Wars actors?

I'm as big a defender of George Lucas's directing as you'll find, but that made me splutter coffee over my laptop with laughter.