
My only complaint about Yates is that his films were literally darker - by Deathly Hallows Pt. II every scene had a grey filter over it. It's preferable to oranges and blues being turned up to eleven, but it steps over the line between creating a gloomy atmsophere and simply being depressing to look at.

These guys aren't claiming to speak for Hollywood.

Spielberg: "You should have the trees fall down."

'First' as in foremost or primary, not 'original'.

I imagine running and enforcing a totalitarian regime across a galaxy requires a lot more resources and power than hollowing out a planet.

"At the very least it will make his victory short-lived, and maybe it will provide a minor counterpoint"

It's not the only one.

Compared to the fucking alternative? Kanye would be a fucking terrible choice for President. He'd also be a 1000x better choice than a certain piece of human garbage who a huge minority of voting Americans just crowned.

I heard a good analogy for Trump today -

I'd add that Trump is so vile being rude to him is being civil in the grand scheme of things.

Yeah, The 1999 Mummy is a great little film which succeeded perfectly in what it was trying to do. The cast is perfect, the script is funny, the effects are inventive, and there are a lot of effectively creepy, 1940s horror comics moments. It's like Independence Day - what a schlocky blockbuster should be. You can

I also like Tauriel - if they'd had her as a good version of Lurtz from Fellowship, as a face of one of the good factions who we checked in with from time to time, she'd have worked better.

It's very easy to criticise Peter Jackson for making The Hobbit a trilogy (HOMER: Fun, too!), but I think it's pretty clear those were orders from Warner Brothers, who wanted another three year run of mega profits.

That's one of the worst things about Trump: I can't commit to 'worst', because in order to work out the worst thing about him you'd need a wall papered with a timeline, stats, testimonials, and some sort of complex rating system.

2016 - T R U M P

The second title he floated was 'Das Ahrt of the Deal'.

That seems a mechanism with huge potential of backfiring.

Totally agree on the headcrabs, but for me they're tied with the dessicated runner zombies (though at least they were noisy).

"And when they're a star they let you do it. You can just discriminate. You can discriminate them in the (sugar) tits."

Lucas's 'contributions' to Empire have been totally overwritten by folk: he wrote the story, asked Leigh Brackett, whom he was a fan of, to write a first draft based on his story; she turned a first draft in; he wasn't keen on the direction she had taken it in, so did a draft of the script from scratch; Brackett died,