
Trump: "I'll have you know I walked into a women's locker room just last week!"

Or the sound of an old, shrivelled asshole straining open just before it lets drop - waitaminute…

"It was locker room talk: that is to say…

I felt that it was the Deacon's looking more organic - more like a creature that could exist in the oceans of Earth - that made it look less alien. The original alien looks like some weird cross between a human, a factory, a circuit board, several penises, and an angler fish. The Deacon looked like Gollum with a baby

The religious theme in Prometheus is one of those things that really, really should have been subtextual, or excised completely.

I remember reading an article about Prometheus before it came out, and Scott said two things that made me want to yell, "No, stop you idiot!"

The Captain identifies it as an alien life form - and it has arms and a skull - but it wasn't humanoid in 'Alien'. One of the characters notes that it has grown out of the chair.

"I kinda feel bad for him to. I know that sounds weird to say because he's rich and famous, but that doesn't mean he can't be depressed or otherwise suffering in some way."

I found Prometheus’s implication that the aliens were the product of a very, very random series of black goo infections incredibly rubbish. Not only does it fly in the face of more interesting continuity (the enormous, non-human proportioned space jockey in Alien had been there long enough to fossilise, suggesting the

Alien Isolation was highly praised, but a consistent theme in reviews was 'It's too long'. I think that's a pretty backward-ass way of looking at video-games, especially given how expensive they are nowadays. Back in the halcyon days of the 1990s and early 2000s, why, I 'member it taking 2-3 weeks to finish a game -

I read an (absolutely fascinating) unauthorised guide to the history of The Simpsons. It was all compiled quotations and interview snippets from the producers, the writers, and the cast. Basically, the first 8 years were so brilliant because the writers made themselves totally miserable, working ridiculous hours,

"Pierce. More middling films. Hawking addictive substances - again! What happened son?"

I am Scottish - it's amazing how much*, without his fake tan, he looks like one of the old guys you'd see red-faced and screaming at the Ayrshire horse races, or standing outside a Glasgow pub smoking.

My favourite Star Wars poster is the Empire B poster (I'm not sure if that means it was a 1981 re-release, or the European poster, or what).

I often wish - especially today, in the era of floating, photoshopped heads - that film posters just used particularly striking stills from the films, like The Exorcist one. It wouldn't need to be a particularly iconic or posed shot - just an interesting one,

The 'Luke is just as super-skilled as Rey' argument doesn't really hold water. The difference is that Luke constantly gets in way over his head and is saved by his friends.

They don't gain power from negative emotions when those negative emotions stem from doubt and regret over killing their dad ten minutes before. It's where the person's head at that is important - it's not 'you are angry - gain +10 Force reserves'.

Get Simon Pegg in his Force Awakens blobfish suit. He's even got practice saying 'Bring me the girl!' in a grotesque voice.

"With a TRUMP in the White House? Not likely! Ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

I love Twin Peaks. With that out of the way, how the scene where a thought bubble of Little Nicky as the devil appears next to Andy was a) conceived of, b) scripted, c) filmed, d) composited together, and e) edited into the final episode without multiple people on the production team having massive disbelief-induced