
Is there a cartoonishly unpleasant and evil over the top film villain that Trump doesn't compare unfavourably to?

I don't mean ANH is 'of it's time' in a bad way, but in terms of visuals (the colour timing, the way its lit, the film stock, even the make-up) and sound (the brassy score, the slightly lower quality ADR) it seems like it should be at least a decade older than ESB. This is not a knock on ANH at all - it's almost

I would argue A New Hope is very of its time (not in a bad way). As a 5 year old in the early 1990s it felt very old fashioned compared to Empire and Jedi. The film stock, the sound quality, and Williams's music (not the quality of the music, but the amount and the instruments used) are all pretty dramatically

People hear 'plan' and they think a perfectly worked out, appendices from Lord of the Rings-tome.

Prometheus! There's only about one shot of the climactic ship-ramming sequence that's not in the trailers.

Shit, fair enough dude! I was completely wrong; you were completely right. I was sure Peter Jackson had said he thought the extended cuts were the 'director's preferred' versions.

I think you're thinking of Ridley Scott's Alien 'director's cut' from 2003 or so - 20th Century Fox said they were gonna re-release it with extra scenes, and asked him if he wanted involved. He said sure, and used it as an opportunity to trim some shots and add a few others simply for curiosity's sake.

"Hell, young George Lucas spoke out against movies being re-edited by their creators after they'd been released!"

Because people are hate-filled dickheads who, while capable of getting pathetically worked up about three films he made, somehow missed the basic message of the Star Wars films.

A spared-no-expense live actions Simpsons would be great to see. Quite possibly terrible, yes, but great.

I agree that he's a calculating, cynical, and intelligent man who uses his bluster and in-public persona to hide what he's really like - BUT, he's a lot less calculating and intelligent than he thinks he is.

You're almost certainly right, but now my brain's got the mental sound running on loop.

There are a few moments in The Simpsons where characters are impressed at something you wouldn't expect them to be… though I can't remember any specific other ones. It gives a little bit of depth to Homer's character - as a kid, he was able to pick up on adult banter and admire it being done well.

I loved reading this book when I did 5 years ago (during a freezing fucking cold Prague winter). How do you improve the engrossing scope of a truly dramatic and haunting historical event? By adding a genuinely frightening and well-handled monster.

The Simpsons has a few good 'they go to X' episodes. Australia. Japan. Uhm… that's it.

And the knowledge that we could fall back on that golden safety net - even if you're capable of the ludicrous mental acrobatics necessary to view Trump as a canny businessman who started with a million and turned it into billions*, your average person with a business idea is hampered by the knowledge that if it goes

Don't say that you fool! I've spent the last 12 months sure that Trump was going to bounce back from every 'look's like Donald's sunk now' low point, and he's done so every fucking time. He has a good chance of winning - there will not be an appropriate time to get complacent or to start tempting fate, especially when

'Not that we’ve got any particular grudge against Kelly; her willingness to stand up to Donald Trump’s schoolyard bullying was admirable'

Last week my friend said of a colleague, 'Oh, she's a professional - she's not interested in shagging!' and I belly laughed for a good 20 seconds.

It's like, this wonderful literary insult (but an accessible literary insult) delivered in a banal, realistic way - her half ignoring him, him just repeating it louder and then resorting to doing pantomime. It's so, so perfect.