
NOTHING in popular culture irritates me quite like that fucking 'They were dead all along, euhhhh, I outsmarted the writers, ehhhehehe' meme.

I'm not sure what people felt shortchanged about. The supernatural elements were introduced very early on, so I always figured some element of 'magic' was going to be involved in the resolution.

Remember Jacob is 2000 years old and grew up talking only to his mother and brother - he can be forgiven for having mid to late 20th century attitudes towards working mothers.

I became a massive Simpsons fan when I was 8, when it started being shown on BBC2, and I cannot overstate how much my general knowledge of literature, history, music, and film derives from the first 8 seasons.

I saw the War of the Simpsons for the first time since the 1990s recently, and the 'queen of the harpies' literally had me tearing up with laughter. I'm almost disappointed to find that it's a reference to something.

If the title was honest, the back cover would be some warping portal into negative space.

It has 'a' Alien Queen.

If time travel becomes possible, and we learn the past can be changed (I'm not a physicist, but I've always been inclined to believe it's either impossible or 'the time travel always happened', a la Terminator 1 or Lost) I figure they have to outlaw the slightest bit of meddling - otherwise the future will be

I imagine it's because people in the future know meddling in the past changes everything in the present.

If Trump wins, the more thought-provoking question for a large section of America will be, 'If you could back in time to 1932, would you vote for Hitler?'

I think the smartest thing to do would be to do a trilogy every decade - leaving time for the cast to age and hype to build. I really like the look of Rogue One, but they should be cautious with these spin-off films, not using them to meet a yearly quota.

If Star Wars was happening right now, Uncle Owen would have a shit tonne of 'PALP - Make the Galaxy Great Again!' stickers plastered all over his hut. Luke would want to leave because of his constant talk of Palp's 'masculinity', 'strength', 'boldness', and 'Alderaan deserved it - he don't take no shit' attitude. Beru

"…and some of his crackups were amusing."

The characters in Alien are all absolutely wonderful - they all feel completely like real people (with Ash feeling like a 'real' creepy robot).

"When I was your age, I had Darth Vader and Jabba the Hutt's private army under my belt - and I had to do it without voom, voom, voooom. I would have killed for voom, voom, voooom!"

I think, given Labour's massive civil war, the Tories are going to be in power for the forseeable future.

Despite being a fan of the books as a child, I never felt that desperate to see any of the Narnia films. I'm still a wee bit surprised that the film series made so little impact - they'd maybe have been better off embracing the Chronicles of Narnia's own weirdness a little more, rather than seemingly aiming for 'poor

'You acted the goody-goody so much, now we are going to show you. Now you're going to be forced to have sex!'

They both deserve credit for the show, with Lindelof deserving more simply because he worked on and oversaw a great deal more of it.

That's unfair to Lindelof and Cuse: Lindelof was involved days after JJ Abrams started, and they fleshed out the survivors concept - which was given to them, with J.J. Abrams deciding it should be a mystery, science fiction show. J.J. Abrams wrote the pilot with Lindelof and then directed it, and then his involvement