
I imagine if it occurred to anyone at Lucasfilm they'd have dismissed the thought with something to the effect of, "Nah, surely no one would be intellectually dishonest enough to pretend painting a robot on the Imperial side - a side established 40 years ago as painting everything white, grey, or black - black is

The Empire's into very stark colours. All of their equipment, outfits, and droids have been black, grey, or white. The majority of their armed forces are dressed head to toe in bright white.

I was - like a lot of kids and teens - fascinated by alien abduction stories as a kid. In my early twenties something flipped and I became a lot more skeptical about everything. However, the Betty and Barney Hill story is very creepy and so convincing - something very strange happened to those two, and they certainly

TRUMP: "Perhaps, if I had read that AVClub ad, I would be dating her."

I still really like Stephen King's stuff, and anything by him is going to be, at the very least, entertaining. However, it's definitely possible to sour on him a bit.

Pet Sematary is probably the most horrible (I mean that in a positive way - it's what the book's trying to do) novel I've ever read.

'Pollywog' is supposed to read 'Golliwog', but they made a mistake and no-one caught it before the teaser video was released.

I read the book expecting it to be a well written version of exactly that - it's not. I was really, really impressed with it - if anything, I'm worried the film will saccharine up what I thought was a very frank, very compassionate look at what the child of a dying parent would go through.

Only fatter, more obnoxious, and less articulate.

The Barb stuff is a mildly jokey, easily made observation about the show - 'That poor girl really got the short straw, didn't she?' - which has snowballed into a meme because a lot of people, in particular trashy internet writers, like self-consciously pretending to overreact to things in a 'quirky' way - "I'm not

"What if the Star Wars cover of 'The Simpsons Sing the Blues' was top of the charts in Westeros?"

I know you're kidding, but the idea of someone being comfortable using a computer and the internet, but being freaked out by the ability to make spoiler bars, made me laugh out loud.

You might work in a zoo because you love animals: the zoo is going to exist, so it might as well be you - a person who genuinely cares - who looks after them.

Fine fellows all, I'm sure.

I agree with what you've said, and meant to type something to the same effect - I have been responsible for managing and supervising children, and it's difficult. It's impossible for even the most observant, diligent parent or guardian to have their kid in their sight all the time, never mind their power.

I think zoos are terrible, and that if they're going to have them, a kid shouldn't be able to enter the pen of a potentially dangerous animal. Parents should also keep an eye on their kids when somewhere with as many dangerous things as a zoo, regardless o how safe it is.

Well, it depends on what you mean by sense - as nuts as a lot of stuff in the world today seems, everything's 'origins' - in pretentious quotation marks because everything could be ultimately traced back to the beginning of time - can be traced pretty logically.

(obnoxious, slimy, 'ain't I a stinker' smirk and wink)

It's almost as though his vernacular is so simple even a jabbering idiot can grasp it at once.

As I grow older, I find myself appreciating Marge more and more. In The Simpsons' golden years they balanced her so well between sweetness, world weariness, and squareness.