
Not being legitimate only means he couldn't succeed Roose; it doesn't mean Roose wouldn't want him educated in war - like Jon, like the Sand Snakes. A season before we meet him, the very first thing we learn about Ramsay - beyond the fact that he's a bastard - is that Roose trusts him to lead military campaigns.

I don't agree. Being a murderous psychopath doesn't translate to having a military education, but nor does it prohibit one from having a military education. Ramsay was the son of a successful feudal warlord.

Sorry dude, reading my own comment it reads as needlessly harsh.

It's moved up to 300 Worlderos's most livable settlements! Move over Craster's Shack and Surrounding Environs.

We've still got the Mountain (a henchman), Walder (who they show could treat as nightmarish or comical), and Euron (who might be the biggest bad in the books, but seems a bit small-fry in the show). So eh, I pretty much agree.

As opposed to telling him to take a hike?

I think that's just what hounds look like. You ever see an accurate illustration from The Hound of the Baskerviles? If they get it right, it's more big-jowly-sad-eyed-loper than wolf.

"Jesus, I try not to be *that guy* "

I don't know - Mason lost his face, but Ramsay would be lucky to be left a licked-clean skull, half a spine, and a rib cage held precariously together by sinew.

Disney exec: "…and this is what we want in the film, to ensure that Indiana Jones lives on forever."

And now it's time for Eastern Europe's favourite internet meme, Vaporware!

It's been at least two years since the Red Wedding - did Edmure not say he'd been captive for 'years'?

I fucking love Qyburn. He could so easily have just been Smithers-Igor, but GRRM, the writers, and the actor really made something great.

"Kiefer Sutherland might be back to torture us all on the new 24"

I totally agree; his work on Lost was sublime, and exactly like Williams's in the way he had memorable themes for all the characters and that said themes were woven through the action. The only thing he'd need to change is his instrumentation - I know bugger all about orchestral music, but it sounds like the

Presciently, he wrote 'Fanfare for President Trump' 35 years ago -

Williams's contribution to Star Wars and Indiana Jones is difficult to overstate. The amazing music is such an inextricable part of what makes those films work (as both Lucas and Spielberg have said multiple times).

Maybe Voldemort would have had more luck if, instead of trying to operate from the shadows even when his team was in charge, he was an upfront, blowhard asshole.

Sure you can. The Hound was last seen badly injured and yelling for someone to come kill him; Stannis - defeated in every single sense, the apparatus of his storyline all gone - was last seen telling a knight who had just told him she was going to kill him to do exactly what she'd said, and then we saw her yell and

The film plays out like the work an imaginative and intelligent eight year old who's recently watched 'Alien', and who's heard of evolution, but doesn't quite get it.