

I initially thought this referred to Chris Evans the UK Tv presenter, and thought, 'Yeah Chris, I'm sure Disney're battering at your door right this second'.

This is a problem nowadays. I don't know if it's because people believe shows are always trying to jerk them around, or because people are getting worse at inferring stuff - see the 'ambiguous' death of Stannis.

With a dry cool wit like that you could be an action hero.

That they all went for Trump, who so clearly strives to follow Christ's example in all he does, speaks well of the strength and depth of their values.

Good explanations - I accept them.

Eh…. two dead kids, maimed lover/brother, dead brains-of-the-operation dad, revenge against hated brother thwarted, power and dignity stripped in extremely traumatising way…

Bronn… eats Blackfish. Margaery inherits the Earth.

There were a few lovely cinematic moments in this episode. I've always loved when GoT has scenes in medieval military camps - it always seems very realistic, and helps create a sense of how big these events are. Besides, old timey sieges are interesting by themselves because there would, necessarily, have been a lot

After the President Trump initiated WWIII ends, the line will be updated to 'You'd all be saying 'Yuuuuuge' if it wasn't for us!'

She made pals with the troupe, got a really, really good stunt stomach, and is making a show of dying to throw the Waif off the scent. She knew the Waif wouldn't go for the throat for some reason.

Then the smallest Sand Snake says something about them needing the bad pussy, and they all explode trying to cover their ears.

Crystal Skull marries orange skin to very grey, washed out settings - it's like they turned up the contrast to make everyone orange, and then dialed it down to make the backgrounds realistic. 'The Witch' had some wonderful, wonderful naturalistic bits of lighting - the bit near the start when the family built a fire

Boo, neither falls apart.

They're doing it to Blu-rays now too! Many of 'Last of the Mohicans' daylight scenes now look like they were shot on an overcast autumn evening; the snow on Hoth is now blue instead of white.

Raiders's colour palette really shits all over the modern trend of having everything be blue/orange (Jurassic World) or very desaturated (Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, the Marvel films). It's amazing how much more real a film feels when it doesn't look like it's been filmed through some instragram filter.

If Jaime and Cersei's incest had been revealed, Robert would have ordered them and their children executed. I don't think Jaime worries about it because, although his better qualities come to the fore, he remains pretty ruthlessly pragmatic throughout the series. Trying to kill Bran was a 'him or all of the people I

Truly, Bryan Singer has made a movie for our times -

He won't do it! - he's too big, he'd have to turn down a lot of choice film roles so he could commit to a single programme. People need to look at working television and theatre actors, not just the four most famous black UK film stars. I think David Harewood would be a really good choice, assuming the BBC hasn't

Not so much vastly exaggerated as 'the product of an echochamber'. The people that call Moffat racist and misogynistic are people who a) care about gettng rid of discrimination (*PLEASANT DING*), b) have deep wells of spite in them (*BUZZ*), c) are self-righteous to the point of blindness (*BUZZ*) and d) would rather