
Having a Doctor on for longer means people get used to them, they can market them more, they have a better chance of making them a profitable legacy character in future, and they can write for them better - Capaldi was always good, but the character he played was infinitely better written the second time around. There

I'd heard he didn't get it because he was too frightening.

I don't agree with the galaxy feeling small - I'd say it's only the two latest films, Sith and Awakens, where the space travel scenes have been cut to suggest it takes minutes rather than days to get anywhere, and the franchise is one of the prime examples of fiction which gives the impression of whole cultures,

That miniseries is godawful - I'm amazed at the longevity it's had - but my God, is Tim Curry perfect casting. There was a period when I was a kid when he portrayed half the villains I was aware of: Darkness in Legend, Skullmaster in Mighty Max, Captain Hook in Peter Pan and the Pirates, that slime monster in that

He's on Tarkin's turf and respects him; it's not a rank issue.

It's a galaxy of presumably millions of trillions of people, and there seem to be a couple of thousand Jedi Knights. The galaxy's no doubt full of amazing things, including psychic powers, and the Empire's presumably been quite keen on cracking down on the potentially very limited information the public had about the

These only seem ludicriously coincidental because we see them from the point of view of the originals. If you look at it in order, it hangs together fine.

The game was fun but the story and the aesthetic were godawful. Everything was self-consciously extreme - the walkers had rocket launchers, the rancors were bigger and spikier, the female characters all had skimpy clothing and push up bras, and your character held his lightsaber in the most assbackwardsly inane way

See but that's what we should consider family friendly. When I was 5-6 my favourite films were Star Wars, Jurassic Park, Aladdin, The Land Before Time, Bambi, and Fantasia.

Yup, the Star Wars films have (I would argue all 7 of them, but don't want to die on that hill just now) so far really struck what's probably a hard tone to hit: there's a lot of dark stuff in every one of them, which never drags the fun stuff down, but gives the adventuring good dramatic context.

It's impossible to tell who's right here, though I'd give the benefit of the doubt to the director.

The whole thing had the White Walkers, the Children of the Forest, lots of Daenerys and her dragons, and Ned, Cat, and Robb's deaths. I think the wildfire buried throughout King's Landing is going to come into play.

Stannis, Davos, and Melisandre took the Night's Watch's plea for help seriously, and most of the people at Castle Black have seen wights first hand, and they all believe in the White Walkers. The White Walkers aren't a secret - it's just most people think they're a myth.

If Coldhands isn't Benjen in the books - and I never got the impression this was the case, considering he says something to the effect of having been around for 'a very long time' - Show-Coldhands is basically combining the two characters, which is a perfectly acceptable way to adapt something.

Tantalising shocks which clearly set up important future events can be just as audience-engaging - if not more - than lots of development. Exhibit A: Lost.

I feel like that would needlessly complicate the story. Aerys was saying 'Burn them all' because he had a nasty case of Targaryen pyromania, his enemies were at his gates, because he was spiteful and insane, because he had rigged the city to explode, and because he thought burning everything down would turn him into a

The show can't be blamed for how they've handled the direwolves - I imagine that kind of CGI character is just as time consuming and expensive as the dragons (they need to be composited in with actors and physical surroundings in a way the flying dragons don't), and that kind of balancing act is more likely to look

George RR Martin was in the elevator eating bacon and I saw some of the bacon and the bacon glistened at me.

I've seen a few of these 'there's getting to be too much fantasy in this fantasy show' comments recently. The heavy fantasy elements have been present since day one - maybe a dragon will interrupt a UFC fight, or someone will be resurrected by a witch, or an ice fairy will turn a stolen baby into another ice fairy by