
We should sympathise with everyone involved in the situation. Ray is a self-absorbed dick, but as a

"What does the future hold for The Simpsons? Let's just say we've a few ideas up our sleeves."

And it'd be even better when your pleas for them to stop only result in more cleverly contextually-appropriate Simpsons quotes!

I don't - I imagine having hundreds of people parrot quotes at you for an hour would be a wholly rewarding experience.

Pegg's point was that there's a place for comic books and space operas, but that it's not good for such stuff to saturate culture. This relatively straightforward and sensible point was badly reported, and misunderstood by the internet as 'nerd stuff is bad'.

I don't think they were referring to the cell scene, I think they were talking about the farewell line - 'You want a good girl, but-chew need the bad pussy'.

Yeah, while I'm totally on board with the show's fever dream sensibility, I do like it when the characters say something that's not deliberately ambiguous. "I fucking tried to kill him!" would be better than, 'I let an incredibly dangerous murderer - who will continue killing - go, because I feel that, while he's



I know what you mean, but I can't agree, just because I was so relieved when Mason showed up. It was this show's equivalent of Han Solo blasting Darth Vader's wingmen away or the Rohirrim charging.

I disagree, only because the wildling woman was the red-shirt character pulled off perfectly: in very little screen time, she was memorable, we learned enough about her for her to be her own character, and it was clear that she had her own life going on. It was sad when she died, so the siege had extra emotion - if

At that point Vaughan's characters putting on a show of confidence fir Chrissakes! We're not supposed to take him as some wise sage.

His accent was fake. Very few people in Scotland - very few people in the UK - speak received pronunciation. It'd be like a New Yorker trying to speak like a Texan - they're both American accents, but that's about it.

See I think this is nonsense. Nothing horrific that has happened on Game of Thrones this year - Sansa's rape, Shireen's immolation - or in previous years - Ned's beheading, Theon's gelding, the Red Wedding, Oberyn's skull-crushing - has been unrealistic: they've all been foreshadowed, logical outcomes, even as they've

Has that been photoshopped? If not, Stephen Dillane really looks like Will Arnett there.

But they get do get victories - Robb was winning for a fair bit of his story; Jon's mission beyond the wall was a complete success; Daenerys went from the bottom to the top; Stannis saved the Night's Watch; Brienne beat the Hound; Arya escaped the Lannisters and survived war-torn Westeros; Theon was (briefly)

My family had the VHS of the Disney Christmas album, and it got a lot of play Christmases 1991-1996. Watching any part of it guarantees a brief shiver of childhood Christmas feeling!

Nope! I was an imaginative and slightly sensitive five year old when I saw it, and while I distinctly remember covering my eyes during the raptors-in-the-kitchen scene, I LOVED it.

The next scene he appears in should open with him hugging himself, going, "Brrr, lousy Smarch weather", before turning to silently and eerily give orders to his peers and wight army.

It's a background joke character's name! In the Mos Eisley cantina you had Snaggletooth and Admiral Ackbar is from Mon Calamari. I can't defend Dooku though.