
This gets repeated so often, but it's nonsense: Lucas wrote drafts of ESB and ROTJ, and then went over them with Kasdan. It was collaborative, but it was a collaboration he led. Knowing when to delegate does not equal 'coasting' - the guy gave himself chest pains trying to get SW made and then the amount of time and

I was 10 when Phantom Menace came out, and loved it as much as the others. AotC left me a bit cold, and it's still my least favourite Star Wars film, but I also loved RotS when it came out. The prequels are not the classics the originals are (duh), and they have massive flaws, but the bizarre level of hatred they get

It's possible to give the 'hows' of a story dramatic tension, and in any prequel there will likely be plenty of new stuff we don't know the outcome to. I think it's become accepted that all prequels are inherently redundant, but I think that's just because so many can't resist cheesy call-forwards, or are too reliant

I think it was either a deliberate stylistic choice, or a quirky predilection on the part of the production team during the first 4 series, to make the programme look a bit cheesy.

I remember that bit I think - when you've to get an object from the middle of a maze that's either a hexagon or the Imperial logo? In the first era of FPS they weren't afraid to shove in some pretty taxing, time consuming puzzles.

I was a very bookish child, so much so, that when my parents offered to buy me a PlayStation - and even took me to their friends' house so their daughter could show me 'The Lost World: Jurassic Park' on her PS1 - I told them I didn't want one, as it would 'distract me from reading'.

She was asked a question by a young fan - 'Did Dumbledore ever fall in love?' or something like that - and answered with a bit of background info. about how she planned the books. She didn't call a press conference because she wanted plaudits.

The school for wizards tropes had been done hundreds of time before Harry Potter - it's a good idea that will have occurred to many writers independently over the last century or so.

But we got lots of dramatically satisfying deaths too in the series - Cedric's, Sirius's, Dumbledore's and Snape's are all kickass. The fact that so many deaths in the last book are dramatically unsatisfying (and I do get what you mean), is what makes those deaths dramatically satisfying.

I know what you mean, but disagree - I liked the fact that while Sirius's death was fantastical and vague, it was treated by the characters and the author as final. He got blasted through the veil between life and death - I like how it was treated as a physical manifestation of an abstract divide, rather than as a

I think the ridiculous stunts problem is the worst way CGI can be abused, especially now when it can be photo-real. The fall into the goblin tunnels would have smashed Bilbo and the dwarves to pieces; Bilbo then falling 30-odd metres into Gollum's cave, hitting the wall as he went, would have smashed him to bits.

I agree - if deliberate, it's actually a nice and subtle idea: the Jedi are hung up on bullshit, they get their butts kicked, and Yoda thinks things through and reassesses a few things about the Force. If it's not deliberate, it's still there in the text to be read.

I think it's unfair that Sleazebaggano always gets called out - he was on screen for about ten seconds and his name only appears in supplementary stuff. It's no worse than 'Wolfman' or 'Mon Calamari'.

I don't think Alec Guinness didn't give two shits at all - he thought he was working on a silly kids' film (and I love Star Wars, but that's not an unfair assessment), but, as a professional actor, still gave it his all. It was only once Star Wars became a phenomenon that he came to disliike it, and that was more to

I'm a high school teacher, and some variation of this phrase goes through my head (and make me laugh) about three times a day.

When I was nine - back in 1998, in the UK, and without Sky, so I had only seen as far as BBC 2 had got, which was season 5, and a few of the newer ones on the themed VHS releases - and a new Simpsons fanatic, I had that episode guide book - 'The Simpsons: A Guide to Our Favourite Family', and it only went up to Season

"He's totally in my face!"

You know that South Park when the people of the town use Britney Spears to bring in a good harvest, and then at the end move on to Miley Cyrus? The shit that gets sent writers and directors like George Lucas, George RR Martin, J.K. Rowling, etc's way is exactly the same thing for slightly smarter, but no more self

While I too have watched Return of the Jedi many, many times, the AT-AT on Endor is the focus of a shot - you can't watch the film and miss it.