
Two consistently misused birds with one stone. Well done.

I’d honestly be less embarrassed getting caught fucking a horse fleshlight than being responsible for this episode.


La La Land was the absolute bait-y-est.

Why do people continue to suggest Will Smith was the reason for Independence Day’s success? You could’ve cast my grandmother in the lead role for all it mattered. It was a movie about an alien invasion with spectacular special effects (for the time). Filmmakers believably decimated the White House in the trailer, for

4 days to fix it? They should’ve been allowed to keep any interest earned during that period.

“States should not penalize other states because of policy differences

Search terms do not equate to popularity.

Anecdotal, I know,, but no one I know who insists on shoe removal (including myself) has any concerns about germs and disease. So congratulations... You’ve created, and solved for, a concern that doesn’t exist.

Well, shit... AP classes should be weighted heavier. On what other planet besides Mississippi are they not?? So this means a kid in that school could theoretically sail into the valedictorian spot with straight As in typing classes??

Maybe he just had a sticky period key?

Maybe if their friends are still in high school. Mature adults understand the world doesn’t revolve around them, and their text doesn’t magically take precedence over whatever is already going on in the recipient’s life.

Ms. Jenner’s applaudable transition was the last thing of value she had to offer the world. Please come to grips with that fact and stop writing about her.

“No one with any experience using coke would think for a minute he was doing coke.”

Grown men. All of them.

Looks like he subsidized his $15,000 trip through insurance fraud. Helluva guy.

This is fucking idiotic.

You wanted so desperately to make this all sound as if evil was afoot, I can tell. But you failed. 

The transformation of the media narrative surrounding her is unsurprising if you understand the function of tabloid plot lines in selling magazines”

Your take on the Biden exchange is garbage.