
Another slideshow? Take your “fascinating facts” to the grave then, i09. This lowly grey won’t engage.

This should have more stars. Guess i09 doesn’t attract a lot of Burn Notice fans.

I’m just glad McGregor’s getting a chance to return to the role. Love them or hate them, the guy carried the prequels on his back. He deserves this. (And so do we.)

What does “retro” even mean for a show that chews through all time periods like candy?

Agreed. The fact ‘Black Panther 2's production home base is in Georgia makes me question whether I’ll pay to see it. Which is killing me.

Lifelong LOTR fan in me: “YES! Spend ALL the money on this!”

Meh. Who cares? I’m the only member of my primary social group using an Android, and aside from not being able to ‘Like’ their Apple-based texts instead of using my words like a grown-up, I’ve never encountered an issue when communicating with them as a group, or individually.

These images do not look lifelike. They look like filtered Instagram posts.

I’d feel bad for the guy if he wasn’t also responsible for BvS.

Looks like he subsidized his $15,000 trip through insurance fraud. Helluva guy.

Starz has been slowly murdering the show since S2's pre-production, so I’m glad to hear it’s finally been put out of its misery.

As if the opinion of someone who didn’t like the original GotG movie is worth reading?

The trailer has won me over. I’m now very excited. (And thankful I won’t be watching it in a theater, because four hours...? I’d need at least 2 pee cups for that.)

This is fucking idiotic.

You wanted so desperately to make this all sound as if evil was afoot, I can tell. But you failed. 

The transformation of the media narrative surrounding her is unsurprising if you understand the function of tabloid plot lines in selling magazines”

Your take on the Biden exchange is garbage.

Live by the computer, starve by the computer.

Sorry, Salty, but in the described situation, you don’t ask for the comp. You tell.

This prosecution is the kind of crap that continues to legitimize the similarly predatory behaviors of established religions by making them seem somehow different/better from the other.